It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

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It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby suzyljank » 16 Aug 2015, 18:18

Hi, I haven't been here in a while but I've been catching up with everyone's posts. It's good to see that some of you are better and for those just starting this journey please never give up hope.
I had double advancement flaps called bilateral sliding flap anoplasty. The donor sites were left open. The flaps took well and by leaving the donor sites open it causes less tension (there still is a little tension and I can feel the scar with my finger but it's relatively small compared to what it could have been) and scarring. That being said whenever you have as much surgery as I have there you can always get easily irritated in the area. I'm able to go to bathroom like a normal person now. The new skin where the flaps were taken can still be sensitive at times but that's normal. I still get some burning from time to time too but my butt is not tight anymore. I still get panicky sometimes because I remember all the pain from before (8 years worth) but I have a good support system and I just take a deep breath. I still have IBS but my routine is a teaspoon of miralax in the evening and dilation once every other day. The one thing I can't do is use toilet paper all the time. I still use the hand held bidet because rubbing is not my friend. To anyone who's just starting this journey my own personal advice would be to see a CRS before you do anything else and listen to him or her. If they say you need surgery and you're comfortable with him do it. The sooner the better, waiting doesn't do anything for the fissure or you. There are so many nerves in that area that are affected when you get a fissure. You're whole pelvic floor can go into spasms, that why some of us had a tough time urinating. Read the posts here too, they can guide you on what works and what doesn't and if a solution sounds too good to be true it usually is. Just don't give up hope. Hello to everyone and wishing you all the very best. Suzy
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Re: It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby Savaici » 16 Aug 2015, 20:21

A great post, Suzy, as always. You had a really hard time and a really difficult surgery, and have come through with flying colours. :Rock:
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Re: It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby JHH » 17 Aug 2015, 14:10

Dear Suzy.

I clearly remember your struggle from my active fissure days, and I'm happy to read such a wonderful update. Thank you!


- Fissure developed in Jan '13
- Started rectogesic in Feb '13 and diltiazem Apr '13.
- Got botox Jun '13
- Healed by Okt '13, although I still had some irritation for about a year.
- New fissure April '22, healed June 2022
- New fissure 24. December 2023
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Re: It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby owmybum » 21 Aug 2015, 13:06

Thankyou Suzy. I'm so glad you are doing so well!

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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Re: It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby SurvivorX » 29 Nov 2015, 09:44

Hope youre better now
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Re: It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby SurvivorX » 29 Nov 2015, 09:45

suzyljank wrote:Hi, I haven't been here in a while but I've been catching up with everyone's posts. It's good to see that some of you are better and for those just starting this journey please never give up hope.
I had double advancement flaps called bilateral sliding flap anoplasty. The donor sites were left open. The flaps took well and by leaving the donor sites open it causes less tension (there still is a little tension and I can feel the scar with my finger but it's relatively small compared to what it could have been) and scarring. That being said whenever you have as much surgery as I have there you can always get easily irritated in the area. I'm able to go to bathroom like a normal person now. The new skin where the flaps were taken can still be sensitive at times but that's normal. I still get some burning from time to time too but my butt is not tight anymore. I still get panicky sometimes because I remember all the pain from before (8 years worth) but I have a good support system and I just take a deep breath. I still have IBS but my routine is a teaspoon of miralax in the evening and dilation once every other day. The one thing I can't do is use toilet paper all the time. I still use the hand held bidet because rubbing is not my friend. To anyone who's just starting this journey my own personal advice would be to see a CRS before you do anything else and listen to him or her. If they say you need surgery and you're comfortable with him do it. The sooner the better, waiting doesn't do anything for the fissure or you. There are so many nerves in that area that are affected when you get a fissure. You're whole pelvic floor can go into spasms, that why some of us had a tough time urinating. Read the posts here too, they can guide you on what works and what doesn't and if a solution sounds too good to be true it usually is. Just don't give up hope. Hello to everyone and wishing you all the very best. Suzy

Hey Suzy I have read most of your posts - following up on all of them since I find your fissure surviving story to be quite useful for us fellow sufferers and readers. Can you pls advise on the current situation with you and your regime.
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Re: It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby suzyljank » 29 Nov 2015, 11:50

Hi SurvivorX. It really did take 2 years for things to sort themselves out. Technically I still have anal stenosis. My case was severe. The other day I looked at the photos of my surgery right after it was done, oh my god it looked awful. If I knew how to send a photo I would share it because if I could get through that it would give others hope. Anyway now I have functional stenosis. With the double flaps the doctor was able to make the area stretchable. I didn't stretch much at all before surgery. I can't produce a very large bm but I can pass about the size of my dilator 19mm. My daily routine is dilation in the morning, 1 fiber bar at breakfast and 3/4 Tablespoon of miralax in the evening. I don't need much fiber at all now. I still have IBS so I have to be careful with raw fruits and veggies but I sneak them in a little at a time. I've found that the donor sites new skin is very sensitive. I'm hoping over time it will toughen up. I found a wonderful product from monistat it's a chafing relief gel that helps when the skin gets irritated, mostly in the warm weather. It's been a lot of trial and error but I'm grateful that I had a surgeon who listened and was able to help. I just wish I would have done this sooner. Yesterday I baked Christmas cookies all day long. Unfortunately I ate a lot of those cookies so today I'm paying for that. I'm not on any particular diet. I did develop lactose intolerance months ago after a bout of food poisoning but in a way it has helped me. I've dropped 11 lbs. and have been able to keep them off for almost a year now.
I eat pretty simple, mostly chicken sometimes fish and gr. beef. I find I feel better and I love chicken. I'm able to have wine with no problems and decaf coffee too and things like chips and cookies just not anything heavy with grease. After this kind of experience I think you're just a little more cautious. I thought I was a hopeless case but because of everyone in this group I kept pushing forward and it was what helped me get to where I am today. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Suzy
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Re: It's been well over 2 years since my flap surgery.

Postby Manitourose » 02 Dec 2015, 19:36

So great to hear how you are doing Suzy! Absolutely inspiring for all going through the thick of it or just beginning the journey.
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