Itchiness 3 weeks post LIS

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Itchiness 3 weeks post LIS

Postby fissures_can_suck_it » 13 Jun 2015, 01:58

I had LIS over 3 weeks ago. I developed a small skin tag and my BMs do cause some stinging for a few hours after. But now I noticed some itchiness in the area. I keep the area very clean and do sitz baths about 3 times a day. Is itchiness a sign of healing?
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Re: Itchiness 3 weeks post LIS

Postby Davo » 23 Jul 2015, 14:37

Hi there,

I had LIS surgery back in 2012 and yes itching should be expected towards the end of the healing process which is around the three week mark.

Try not to scratch it and see it as a good sign!

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