LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

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LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby mysorebutt » 13 Apr 2018, 15:29

As my LIS is only a week away, I have to apologize for all of my recents posts, but as it gets closer, I am getting nervous.

Due to the severe anxiety over the upcoming surgery, I have been having multiple loose BM’s each day. Typically I only go twice in the morning so this is not normal for me. The constant BM’s have caused my external hemorrhoids to flare up and are very painful at the moment. I doubt they will be resolved by the time of my surgery and might actually be worse in a week.

Does anyone know whether having inflamed external hemorrhoids would or could interfere with the ability to have LIS? I do not want to have any type of hemorrhoid removal procedure done during my LIS and will instruct the surgeon as such, but I wasn’t sure if the external hemmi could get in the way of doing LIS.
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Re: LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby chachacha » 13 Apr 2018, 16:54

If they are going in through the anus, it shouldn't make a difference, but if they are going in to the side, and that side is not accessible, it could be. You should contact your CRS to make sure that it's okay. You wouldn't want to go through the prep and arrive at the hospital just to be turned away.
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Re: LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby mysorebutt » 13 Apr 2018, 17:05

So would you be referring to the open vs closed techniques? I will need to talk to my CRS or her MA about this as I do not know which technique she uses or whether my sudden flare of external hemorrhoids will be a problem for surgery. I assume that since she doesn’t do very many of these surgeries, she will use the open technique but I don’t know for sure.
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Re: LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby chachacha » 13 Apr 2018, 17:19

Yes, that's what I was referencing. I would imagine that even if the surgery does go forward, those external hems will not be happy. But if you're going to suffer on that front anyway, you might as well combine both pains together.
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Re: LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby mysorebutt » 13 Apr 2018, 17:25

My main concern would be causing injury to an external hemorrhoid that then would cause complications from the LIS. I agree that if the hemorrhoids are gonna hurt regardless then I might as well have the surgery.
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Re: LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby patience_and_healing » 14 Apr 2018, 18:15

You could try taking immodium to reduce the frequency of bowel movements. Sometimes when I visit the doctor my stomach starts acting up so I take half an immodium beforehand. It's tricky to find the right dose, especially as the last thing you want with a fissure is constipation.
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Re: LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby mysorebutt » 14 Apr 2018, 21:37

Thanks patience, hadn't thought of taking something like immodium. I am generally very regular, going twice in the morning and that's it for the day. I really only have issues with my gut when I am extremely stressed about something. With the LIS scheduled for next week, my body is freaking out.
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Re: LIS and External Hemorrhoid?

Postby patience_and_healing » 15 Apr 2018, 17:11

My gut reacts instantly to stress as well. I hate anxiety diarrhea, it's the worst.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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