LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

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LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby chachacha » 13 Dec 2014, 20:20

I'm scheduled to have a sphincterotomy in the new year, after suffering for about 7 years with a chronic and debilitating fissure. I often have a lot of pain from just trying to push my massive hemorrhoids back up the pipe after bowel movements (not as bad as fissure pain, but gasp-inducing to a high degree nonetheless). I also have chronic diahhrea, but luckily only pass stool every 3 or 4 days. This stool starts out soft, but formed, and then over a period of 6 or 7 trips to the toilet over a period of about 5 hours, becomes a complete liquid by the end. Only the first "dump" is formed, and the rest would be defined as diahhrea though, until it is like a projectile fluid at the end. I'm wondering if anyone on the forum has had a LIS and also has stage 3 hermorrhoids that have to be pushed back into the rectum? By BM #3 or #4 on a poo day (so strange to be putting all of this in writing!), it becomes very painful to push the roids back in, and I'm wondering how much worse (or not), this might be post-surgery? I would greatly appreciate any experiences that can be shared!

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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby Scientist2516 » 14 Dec 2014, 09:58

Hi chachacha,
I'm sorry, that sounds awful. I haven't any experiences like yours, but I am wondering if you need to see a GI doctor to find out why you are having such strange bowel movements.
For instance, I don't think stool every 3-4 days is really a good thing, because by the time you do go, there is a lot, which could be traumatic to your anus. Once a day is probably ideal. And I wonder why the diarrhoea? Diarrhoea is bad for fissures, and by the sound of it, may be contributing to your problems. Could you have IBS or similar? I really think this is worth checking out.
Good luck!
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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby chachacha » 14 Dec 2014, 10:13

I have been seeing doctors for years about the chronic diarrhea, and have tried everything to resolve the issue (several probiotics, adding fibre, eliminating lactose, gluten, and other things). The only thing that worked short term was Metamucil, because it bulked up the stools, but let them pass easily because of the gel-like consistency produced by the psyllium. I had to keep upping the dosage though, until it no longer worked. I still take it though, lest the diahhrea become even worse. I have had bowel movements every 3 - 4 days since I was a child, and if you look this up on the internet, it is on the long side of "normal". I guess someone has to be on the extreme edge of all "normals", and I'm one for this road.

And yes, I have always realized that the diarrhea was not good for the fissure and actually questioned the surgeon about the fact that it may be pointless to have LIS before resovling the issue, but he said that because the surgery would be loosening the sphincter permanently, it was unlikely to recur just because of the diarrhea. He also said that he will be trying me on a drug that may work to eliminate the diarrhea in the future.

Thanks for the reply and I hope that someone else on the forum will have some experience with pushing the hemorrhoids back in post-surgery. This is one question that I will be asking the surgeon on the day I go in, but I'd really love to hear the experiences of those who've actually experienced it.
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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby Turk the cat » 14 Dec 2014, 22:26

Hi chachacha. Hey! Another Canuck. I'm on the "wet coast" in the big city. Where are you at? PM me if you wish.

Congrats on your upcoming surgery. Good on ya! Whoa those BM's do sound atrocious. It'll sure be nice if you can say goodbye to that, and if not, get the rest of your woes taken care of. You'll be much happier.

I grew up with chronic constipation as well, and fair amount of gut pain, which basically lasted until....what time is it?

take care, Turk's Mom
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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby chachacha » 15 Dec 2014, 10:40

I'm hoping that the surgery will at least cut my troubles in half - I'd be very grateful!

I'm in Toronto, but was born in Vancouver (left as an infant though, so don't know the city at all).

Not sure if I suffer from constipation, because most dictionaries define it as stool that is hard, dry and difficult to pass. Mine is the exact opposite! And while it comes out easily, it is horrendously painful! Some dictionaries, however, use frequency as a definition too, and that is the only time I become relevant. I am always amazed that my stool ISN'T hard, when I only pass it every 3rd or 4th day.

Very sorry to hear that you're still suffering, and I hope that you can get well soon.
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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby owmybum » 15 Dec 2014, 11:30

Can your CRS not do anything for your prolapsing hemmorhoids at the same time as LIS? It sounds awful having to push them back in.... Especially after surgery?

Yes, I also know a few people who only go every few days.... And they have no bowel/ bum issues at all. The diarrhea is a different matter though. That is not right. Have you been tested for crohns? IBS? Is your gall bladder functioning ok??

Sorry I can't help with any practical advice.

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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby chachacha » 15 Dec 2014, 12:33

My CRS is very conservative and says that he would NEVER do both procedures together. He has a lot of experience, so clearly believes that patients do better with just one at a time. He also avoids hemmorhoidectomies until they get to a stage 4, so I imagine that I will cross that bridge if/when I come to it. My GP suspects that I "may" have IBS, but everything I've read doesn't seem to fit (cramping, bloating, discomfort, etc.), because I never feel anything other than extreme pain at the anal opening. Same goes for Crohn's - no symptoms, other than the diarrhea. I also believe that Crohn's would be seen during a colonoscopy, and since I've had 5 of those due to a family history of colon cancer, I can't imagine that I have that either.

Thanks for your reply.
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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby Turk the cat » 15 Dec 2014, 16:23

Turk the cat wrote:
I grew up with chronic constipation as well, and fair amount of gut pain, which basically lasted until....what time is it?

take care, Turk's Mom

Hi chachacha,

Whoops, my comment above was misleading. I don't have gut pain these days, that was primarily as a child due to poor nutrition, et al. Although my diet habits as an adult surely were a big part of my problems, too. I was thinking more along the line of how careful I have to be these days not to get constipated, and how seemingly much more fibrous food and water intake I seem to need then the average person to be, well, average with bathroom habits.

We were the opposite, I was born in Toronto and shuttled out here when very young.

I didn't realize your Surgeon isn't going both operations at the same time, that is too bad. Well, the fissure needs the most attention and it shall get it. Take care.
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Re: LIS and pushing hemorrhoids in

Postby chachacha » 15 Dec 2014, 23:29

Good that you don't have that any more.

Yes, opposite on the cross-country experience, and also opposite on the constipation/diarrhea front, lol.

My CSR has obviously had a lot of experience on that front, and probably believes that doing both is not a great idea.

And if I can get rid of the worst offender (the fissure) and then put an end to the diarrhea, I will only be left with the roids, which are probably the least problematic of the three.

Thanks for your replies.
Fissure since about 2007
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