Hello everyone.
Long time lurker here...
For approximately 15 years, I’ve suffered from on and off anal fissure. Truth is I get flares very rarely (maybe once every couple of years, usually when I don’t drink enough water or get very stressed). Last November after having my baby (elective c section), the fissure opened again. Never had what people describe as spasms, only constant burning that after taking ibuprofen went away until the next bm. I went to a new CRS back in January ( my 3rd one, after going to one who blew me off and said “ surgery is the only way, bye” and another who did an anascopy without my consent and traumatizes me for life), told him I was already diagnosed with a chronic fissure, he took a quick look and said there it was in the posterior midline, gave me an 8 weeks course or Nifedipine, fissure healed back in March, no pain, all good. After that, I noticed my skin tag was irritated and I still felt some irritation, went back 3 weeks ago and he noticed some discharge coming out of anus, very minor, non smelly, yellowish/greenish discharge. He says it looks infected, gave me a 7 days round of antibiotics but says the definite option is having LIS, cut the skin tag in order to get rid of the problem forever.
Anyways, I have my follow up appointment tomorrow, but I have some questions:
1. Should I have LIS even though pain/burning has been pretty much gone for the past 3 months after Nifedipine? Doctor says my issue is hypertonic sphincter ( or basically a tight ass, vagina, everything) though I never feel awfully tight when having a bm.
2. Can this minor discharge lead to a fistula? Doctor said it’s not common, but I will just have that annoying discharge until it eventually stops or have LIS.
3. Can a fissure be opened even though I have no pain during or after bm? Just minor irritation and very minor itch in skin tag now.
4. I honestly just want to get rid of this and enjoy my new life as a mom without constantly thinking about my ass, but I don’t know if surgery is the answer given my lack of pain.
Appreciate any insights.