LIS questions for the Doc

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LIS questions for the Doc

Postby Canadabum » 21 Aug 2017, 16:35

I am scheduled for LIS on Sept 7...I have an appointment with the Surgeon this week to talk about the procedure and recovery....given your experiences...what questions would you ask the doc (knowing what you know now).

Of course -- I am in a good phase of my general health and going forward with LIS is not such an easy decision because right now it seems extreme...that said, I wouldn't mind being done and done for good with this...

Thanks for any insight or ideas.

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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby LemonMan » 21 Aug 2017, 17:18

Good Luck Canadabum - I guess if it were me, which it may well be at some point. I would want to know how the surgeon decides how much of the sphincter to cut, and also if there are different cutting techniques. I'd also want to know if a pressure test would be done beforehand and how that influences the depth of cut. I'd also want to know how many times the surgeon has performed the procedure - and (difficult question) what their success rate is. I would also want to know what his/her personal opinion is on how severe/deep they think the fissure is, compared to others they have seen, and how his might affect surgery. I would also want to know if things go wrong and complications arise (leakage) how this can be addressed and if it's reversible in any way.
It's a brave decision you are making, and I am sure you have exhausted every other option. The numbers are in your favour, which is the important thing to remember.
Best, LM
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby chachacha » 21 Aug 2017, 18:22

I would ask him/her if they are going inside by holding your anus open and cutting the internal sphincter on the inside, or leaving the anal opening alone and making a cut to the side of it and then cutting it on the outside. I had the latter, but had ASSumed the former, so was trying to stuff all of the swollen tissue back up inside, thinking that it was my prolapsed hemmies that had been left outside by mistake (I caused myself a great deal of pain by mauling a fresh incision I didn't know was there until a week later). And even if you don't have prolapsing hemmies, it's still good to know that you have an incision on the outside, so that you can be even more careful while wiping the area after a movement.

And perhaps a diplomatic way to ask about his success rates would be to just ask him how his patients usually fare. How long does it usually take them to recover, how many have soiling issues afterward, etc., and not ask for numbers, such as what is your failure rate.

Good luck, and please keep us posted as you go.
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby Canadabum » 27 Aug 2017, 22:37

Thanks so much for the advice. I met with my doc and this is what I learned.

The incision will be on the outside (like yours chachacha). He will also remove a papilla inside. He said recovery should be 24-48 hours...sounds optimistic to me! He said I could eat anything and that sitz baths were good a couple times a day.

Sept 7 is the big day!
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby chachacha » 27 Aug 2017, 22:48

Good luck, Canadabum! I will think of you on the 7th and I hope that all goes really well. I might be heading for a hemorrhoidectomy soon, and would rather have 10 more LIS procedures instead!
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby Littlebaboo » 02 Sep 2017, 16:39

I am also in Canada. Tried to email you Canadabum and got a message saying I can't. Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby Canadabum » 02 Sep 2017, 16:50

Not sure. Try to PM me rather than email.
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby LemonMan » 03 Sep 2017, 16:01

Good luck Canadabum,
Looking forward to hearing how it goes.
Best, LM
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby Canadabum » 03 Sep 2017, 16:31

Thanks man...much appreciated. I will definitely keep everyone posted - may do a lis diary for myself and share the experience and learnings.
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Re: LIS questions for the Doc

Postby chachacha » 03 Sep 2017, 19:48

Canadabum wrote:Thanks man...much appreciated. I will definitely keep everyone posted - may do a lis diary for myself and share the experience and learnings.

That would be much-appreciated.
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