LIS Success


Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS Success

Postby ksaco18 » 13 Jun 2020, 21:18

I'm sure you are healing just fine! I was sore from the incision site for about 1.5 weeks and then came the itchy. OH the itching. It was so bad at some points, I almost wanted to rub my butt across the carpet like a dog lol. Itching is good though because it means the wounds are healing. As uncomfortable as it is, it's a good sign, so don't panic if there's some soreness/insane itching down there. I'd say only worry if your blood gets worse or you start to feel pain in your fissure areas.

Like I said in earlier posts, just take it easy for the next week but definitely start walking around a bit if you can to soften your stool. If you're in pain, take some Tylenol and rest. Don't forget how much poking and prodding you just had down there by your doctors. All of the things you're experiencing are normal, so just take a breath, keep busy and positive, and be patient!
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Re: LIS Success

Postby AKDad37 » 14 Jun 2020, 00:01

Hi, I just wanted to go ahead and post.

I had LIS done on April 28th. I had two fissures. A deep, chronic one on the posterior side and a new acute on the anterior side.

I'm what, like almost 6 weeks? It's been rough,. It I am seeing some progress, although my recovery has been really tough. I developed major anxiety and stress, depression and I lost 22 lbs.

I'm having some really bad issues with itching and after having a BM, I have this horrible itch and cramp on the right side area where he made the incision.

My fissures don't hurt and I haven't seen blood in over three weeks, though I'm dealing with tightness still after 6 weeks. It's a bit discouraging.

Hang in there
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Re: LIS Success

Postby ksaco18 » 14 Jun 2020, 09:15

Have you had a followup with your CRS/did you have your procedure done by an experienced CRS who has done this procedure many times before? Everyone heals differently. My doctor told me the healing could take anywhere from 1-6 weeks. I happened to be one of the lucky ones that healed quickly.

I would definitely reach out to your doctor or consider a new CRS to see what's going on. It's also like I said a few posts earlier, the mind/body connection is really strong, so your anxiety and depression could be contributing to any tightness that you have.

It's definitely a good sign that you don't have any blood or pain. Temporary itching is definitely normal, as it means the area is healing. Long-term itching can mean the area isn't fully clean after a BM. Have you tried using a sitz bath with a hose so you can clean the area almost like a bidet would (but less aggressive)?

I know and I'm sure everyone else on here can attest to how depressing and stressful pre and post-LIS can be. I'd just say again check in with your doctor and see what's going on. I know there's also something called Biofeedback for Pelvic Floor in which a physical therapist can teach you how to control and relax your muscles down there. That can be an option too. I'm not a doctor, but I'm just sharing my experiences and the information I read online during my 4 months of AF agony. Hang in there and do your best to relax in the meantime. Easier said than done, but you can do it!
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Re: LIS Success

Postby StarrySky » 14 Jun 2020, 15:04

Did you use Tucks pads for the itching? My CRS recommended I use them if I had irritation.

Other than the irritation and soreness, it's been pretty good. : ) I have been going for walks each day to get the blood flowing and to keep active. Other than that, I have been taking it easy still. Just trying to be patient.

AKDad37 - My CRS said it can take weeks to heal. Since we both had two fissures, it takes a bit longer. Did your CRS find that you have thin skin? Mine said that I had thin skin due to chemo last year, so I will probably take longer to heal. I would definitely follow up with your CRS if you haven't already. I would think itching would be normal. It's good that you aren't having any pain or blood, though. Definitely take ksaco18's advice.

I can definitely relate to the anxiety and depression this has caused. It's a horrible experience to go through that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I don't think my anxiety will go away until I know I am fully healed.
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Re: LIS Success

Postby ksaco18 » 14 Jun 2020, 16:17

StarrySky-I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better and that you've been able to move around. You're on the road to recovery! So awesome! You'll be surprised by how great you feel this time next week.

I did use the Tuck's wipes when I was itchy and to be honest, I didn't feel like they gave me a ton of relief. They helped the slightest bit but overall, I didn't feel like they really alleviated the itching/discomfort. Give them a try though because maybe you'll find them more beneficial than I did!
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Re: LIS Success

Postby Healedasap » 08 Oct 2020, 12:42

Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum. I have had anal fissure for 2 months and had an LIS 5 days back. After surgery, the pain was less initially but today I had a really painful bowel movement. It wasn't hard but the pain was as much as fissure pain. I'm really scared.
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Re: LIS Success

Postby brent1981 » 20 Nov 2020, 02:02

Reading your success story was really inspiring and gives me hope. I've had anal fissures for a looong time. I can't even remember now when I had my first, but it's always recurring like every three months or so. Usually a month of pain, then two weeks of it healing up, then a few months of forgetting about it, then it comes back and the cycle continues.

One slightly positive thing is that I've now lost about 15lbs from simply eating better. More plant-based, less junk, I think that's gotta help right?

But I am 39, male, totally healthy and normal and everything except for some odd reason I get fissures. My guess is that back in the day, I used to eat bagels every morning for breakfast. I think that led to some harder than usual stools. I don't know. I can't remember at all when my first fissure was. But it sucks so much.
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