Lis surgery and banding hemorrhoids

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Lis surgery and banding hemorrhoids

Postby xxstaciexx » 19 Jun 2016, 12:32

Has anyone ever had both of these done at the same time?
Looking for some info and advice please xxxxx
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Re: Lis surgery and banding hemorrhoids

Postby Hopeful1 » 20 Jun 2016, 07:07

I've had both procedures, but not at the same time. I don't see any reason why both can't be performed simultaneously.

Banding is a quick and mostly painless procedure. But you'll probably feel like you need to poo for about an hour afterwards, it's a little uncomfortable.
Haemorrhoids: for about 8 years - lived with it
Rubber Band Ligation: Spring 2015
Anal Skin Tag Removal: Summer 2015 (missed sentinel pile)
Fissure diagnosed: Aug/Sep 2015
GTN unsuccessful
LIS: 17 March 2016
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Re: Lis surgery and banding hemorrhoids

Postby Skiponzo » 21 Jun 2016, 09:53

I had both done at the same time. CRS was only able to band 1 hemmy (of 2) because I guess hey give ya some shot to expand the area when doing the LIS and it caused second smaller hemmy to not have enough room to be banded. She said it would eventually just go away with proper diet.

After the initial LIS pain (24-48 hours) reduced I actually had more discomfort from the banding. Though I will say that the surgery pain lasted longer (I'll be 13 weeks out tomorrow and still dealing with some minor pain and occasional irritations). It was probably only 10 days - 2 weeks ago until I no longer noticed the surgery site pain (if I focus really hard I can still sense the incision site).

One thing I was not prepared for (but in retrospect should have been) was the fact that I went almost 2 weeks post surgery with little to no blood. Felt happy and like I was healing.....then the band fell off and there was a decent amount of blood associated with the hemmy for a week -10 days. that put my mental state back to where I was prior to surgery.

Not sure what you are looking for so feel free to ask any questions.
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