LIS surgery/recovery

Anal Fischer surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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LIS surgery/recovery

Postby EKR » 23 Oct 2020, 10:49

I had an AF for a little over two years. Doctor prescribed the Rectiv nitro ointment. No insurance so it cost me 650$ a tube! 5 tubes of ointment later still had the Fischer. The ointment worked a little the first 3 months but after I completed the 90 day prescribed it came right back. The doctor was not a surgeon so didn’t want to do surgery. And with Covid shutting things down it was hard to get another doctor so I kept using the ointment as per the doctor thinking maybe it would eventually work. I didn’t know a lot about AF so read up on them some on this site. I found a surgeon two minutes exam and I was scheduled for a LIS. Surgeon said if the ointment doesn’t work the first time it’s never going to work. Had the surgery August 20.
First couple days pretty sore but I drove myself the next day went to the store/pharmacy etc. not to bad. For the first 3 weeks some days it hurt some days not at all I took the pain medicine the first 2 days and nothing but ibuprofen after that. By 6 weeks I was completely healed. No pain no soaking in the bathtub no being scared to go to the bathroom or watching every thing I ate in fear. Now 2 months out I can’t believe I waited so long. The ointment 5 tubes cost over twice what the surgery cost including anesthesia, hospital everything. The first doctor was a class A Quack.
I’ve read a lot of the post surgery stories and the complications, pain etc. I’m sorry for those people but I think they are the minority. My advice don’t wait, don’t sit around in misery with an AF. No ointment, diet, or potion is going to work. Surgery 3 weeks and be done with it. Good luck to all
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Re: LIS surgery/recovery

Postby Pickles » 20 Sep 2021, 21:41

Very cool. I've been considering. Thanks for sharing :)
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