LIS Surgery Experience

Anal Fissure

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Conifer » 13 Oct 2021, 11:27

This is so great to read about no pain from bm. You must feel like you are reborn!! I don't have a huge amount of pain when im going, sometimes a bit scratchy but bms are really soft due to diet and laxido. Very rarely do I have the glass feeling. The thing that gets me is the searing burning pain that starts straight after that leaves me speechless. This then becomes cutting pains that happen all through the day where i cant sit or stand without wanting to cry. Most days i do. The sentinel pile becomes very swolled and inflamed and makes it all worse. I assume this is all spasms and the muscle just clamps shut and there is no way i can apply any creams to it.
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Conifer » 13 Oct 2021, 11:27

Aargh message sent before i finished!

And I am in the UK. Im very proud of our health care system and really value it but its just under so much pressure just now due to covid that wait times are so long. I am in a really fortunate position i can fund mysef privately so its what I am doing. Can i ask if you are male or female please? Sorry for all the questions! I am really hoping for a recovery like this!
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Cryptokitty311 » 13 Oct 2021, 13:59

Conifer wrote:Aargh message sent before i finished!

And I am in the UK. Im very proud of our health care system and really value it but its just under so much pressure just now due to covid that wait times are so long. I am in a really fortunate position i can fund mysef privately so its what I am doing. Can i ask if you are male or female please? Sorry for all the questions! I am really hoping for a recovery like this!

I’m sorry you have to wait so long I know how hard it is every day suffering in pain. Perhaps they will have a cancellation and can get you on a list? I feel so much better now and am glad I went through with it. I am a 33yo male.
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Conifer » 14 Oct 2021, 02:28

Yeah it really it tough being in pain every day. I’m hardly eating at the moment due to the anxiety about this and even on days I don’t have a bm I’m still sore. I just want lis and to start healing. It’s been a long 5 months with this episode!

I’m so pleased to hear you are doing well though wish you were female!! It seems based on what I read here that men tend to have an easier recovery than females but I might be wrong. I’d say we are all seeing a biased view as we are all obviously quite desperate a the point of jointing the forum!
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Cryptokitty311 » 14 Oct 2021, 11:46

Conifer wrote:Yeah it really it tough being in pain every day. I’m hardly eating at the moment due to the anxiety about this and even on days I don’t have a bm I’m still sore. I just want lis and to start healing. It’s been a long 5 months with this episode!

I’m so pleased to hear you are doing well though wish you were female!! It seems based on what I read here that men tend to have an easier recovery than females but I might be wrong. I’d say we are all seeing a biased view as we are all obviously quite desperate a the point of jointing the forum!

That’s interesting I’ve never read about the gender differences for post surgery outcomes. Your surgeon will know better if there is a difference.

I woke up today with little to no pain, and some minor irritation after a BM from the remaining fissure. Pain was about a 2 out of 10. I’ve went for a mile walk both days with no issues. It’s been so much easier to go to the bathroom even though I’m still doing the same Miralax and doculax after the LIS. I didn’t realize how much that tight muscle made everything more difficult and a lot more painful. Even the fissure doesn’t hurt that much without the spasms and tightness. It’s now Thursday and don’t see any reason why returning to work on Monday will be a problem. I’m looking forward to be able to concentrate again.
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Conifer » 14 Oct 2021, 16:22

To be fair I’m not sure it’s published anywhere - bar the risks of women and lis. It’s just my feeling from this site. Maybe because more men get it due to less risks and I see more good stories. Or perhaps I’m just focusing on the doom and gloom of what happens to women. It’s not a good attitude amd won’t help me heal so need to change my mindset!

And I’m thrilled for you, I really am. 4 days out and your walking around talking about going back to work. This is what I hope happens to me! What kind of work do you do? I’m desk based and wfh due to covid - which is lucky as if there was no COVID I’d be off sick for sure. I hope to take a week off and then hope to be back to at least half days at the desk amd the rest from bed “Sorry work my camera is broken amd can’t turn it on for afternoon meetings” type situation. And I hear you about concentrating - it takes me 8 hours to do simple 2 hr tasks just now!

Are you bathing or sitzing or both? And are you being careful with food?
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Cryptokitty311 » 14 Oct 2021, 20:14

That’s great you are working from home. As you mentioned, it’s very hard to concentrate and moving around frequently is a must. I’m hoping you have the same experience I have had as well. The stories on this forum are likely skewed as people who generally have positive experiences may be less likely to post and document their experiences. I’ve read my share of negative LIS experiences here which can be discouraging if taken out of context. I’m a Pediatric Neuropsychologist.

I’m using the sitz bath twice a day. My diet is still exclusively focused on healing my fissure and I am strictly adhering to those guidelines. I haven’t had pizza, chocolate, beer, dairy, fried foods, or anything like that for nearly two months. I’ve been eating lots of whole grains, beans, veggies, fruits, and meats like chicken and Turkey. Drinks have included iced green tea, water, almond milk, and small amounts of juice. I have not had any carbonated beverages either.
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Conifer » 16 Oct 2021, 03:59

I’ve kind of given up with the fissure diet as nothing helps - if I eat a lot, if I eaten hardly anything, eating well vs eating poorly, nothing changes the daily outcome. I’m on Laxido though just to keep everything soft and moving and will happily take that for the rest of my life to avoid this in the future.

Your recovery is giving a lot of hope though. Just 3 more weeks to get through and this last week went quickly enough. I think your job sounds interesting - it must be hard to be focussed on it during AF episodes. Mine keeps be distracted enough during the day but I know that if I wasn’t based from home just now I just don’t think I could do it. It’s hard as I don’t really want to share my troubles either as they are so personal so everyone I work alongside must think I’m become the most miserable grumpy person. Just 3 more weeks until I hopefully get my life back.

You are coming up to a week now. Still all going well? How is your pain?
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Cryptokitty311 » 17 Oct 2021, 12:48

Day 7 update- little to no pain after morning BM and laxatives are keeping everything moving smoothly. I feel almost normal again and have resumed my daily 3 mile walks. I did not take any Tylenol today or yesterday and have not touched my OxyContin prescription. So far so good.
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Re: LIS Surgery Experience

Postby Cryptokitty311 » 18 Oct 2021, 23:07

Day 8- No issues today at work with minor irritation in the morning but I am able to sit with no pain or cushion. I’m fairly certain that my fissure is almost entirely healed. I’ve had a great experience so far and am very happy I got the surgery.
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