LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby delasama » 28 Feb 2013, 23:59

Why does he not want you to take miralax?
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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby tojo78 » 01 Mar 2013, 08:10

SteveR.. Thanks for your support. I hope all is going well with your recovery from LIS. Friends I have in Canada and the UK tell me the same thing, it is difficult to get the attention of a doctor via their DHS. I feel blessed that my Dr is very flexible given his long hours. Hoping I am finally on the mend for good!
Delasama.. My CRS felt the Miralax was causing some of my diarrhea issues given I have mild IBS. In normal times, my IBS isn't really a factor as it has gotten better with age and I know what I should and should not eat. He felt the gel cap version would be easier on me while still providing softer stool.
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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby Stratocaster » 01 Mar 2013, 08:55

Any chance that your lactose intolerant and that caused the loose stool?
Becareful reducing miralax. Just dropping it all together could cause issues. If I was in your boat I'd just reduce it til your stools are the consistency you want.
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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby tojo78 » 01 Mar 2013, 13:09

Stratocaster.. I do have some lactose intolerance but it only very rarely causes me loose BM. It does cause me to get a bit gassy though. I started taking the gel cap stool softener today so I am not going completely without a stool softener. I am also taking fiber supplements. Over the past 4 days, I have taken a total of 1.5 doses of Miralax so it hasn't been a complete cut off. So we will see how it goes. I have not had a BM yet since yesterday and definitely not going to push the issue (no pun intended) given my hemmie the other day. I do appreciate your concern! :D
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Day 8

Postby tojo78 » 01 Mar 2013, 19:43

Didn't sleep too well last night due to the pain from having the hemmie removed yesterday. Decided to stay home from work and rest up. Took two 20 minute warm baths today which really helped sooth things down there. Will take one more tonight before bed. Did not have a BM today but have been plenty gassy and my stomach has been rumbling around tonight. Hoping to get back on a regular BM schedule tomorrow morning. Had my last full dose of Miralax yesterday and started the Philips gel cap stool softeners today. Taking one in the AM and one in the PM. Recommended dosage is 1-3 a day. Nurse called this afternoon to see how I was doing. Told her everything was fine and she asked if I was taking the stool softeners and I told her I was. My pain is significantly reduced from 24 hours ago and I expect that trend to continue.
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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby kyrehe » 01 Mar 2013, 22:03

I just wanted to say your story really helps me. I know it's ridiculous but reading your first post made me almost tear up, because this pain is getting to the point I want to have this surgery. Reading your posts has made me more confident in deciding if I have to make that decision soon. I enjoy reading about your ups (and downs,) it gives me hope.
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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby Cueball3335 » 02 Mar 2013, 03:10

Wow man very inspirational, iam looking to have the lis as well been dealing with the ups and downs (4-5)/10 pains since march of 2012. What kind of lis did you have closed, open? Iam amazed you were able to return to work so quick. Iam relatively new at my job and 27 years old. I feel weird telling my manager I have to have surgery being so young. I also have a desk job so after only 4 days were you able to sit in a chair for 8 hrs?
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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby tojo78 » 02 Mar 2013, 20:21

Kyrehe.. I am glad this has helped! I did this because I wanted to help people decide if this is something they want to do by detailing my experience. It is also therapeutic for me to get this all off my chest! It sounds like you have already seen your CRS which is good. If you have any doubt about your CRS and don't mind driving 2.5 hours southwest, I can give you the name of my CRS. He is awesome!
Cueball.. Glad this has helped! Sounds like your pain level was right around mine. I believe I had closed LIS as I had no stitches. I could have returned to work the day after surgery. I don't recommend this as you will need down time to heal. Don't worry about asking for time off. Almost any boss will understand. I tried to give my boss a Drs note and he said he didn't need it. I had surgery for a deviated septum in my nose at 15 so surgery really knows no age group. Sitting at work wasn't an issue but I did get up and go on short walks through the day. Sitz baths before and after work are a must!
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Day 9

Postby tojo78 » 02 Mar 2013, 20:37

I almost feel like I have started over since I had the hemmie removed. I had to take the painkillers again since the hemmie site hurt much worse than the LIS site. Right now, I don't even feel like I had LIS as the hemmie site is overtaking anything going on with the LIS site. But the hemmie site is getting better by the day.
Today's challenge was having a BM. Since I took some painkillers again, I got constipated. My last BM was Thursday afternoon prior to the hemmie being removed. I took 1/2 a dose of milk if magnesia this AM in the hope of getting thing jump started. Four hours went by, some gas but no BM. Had two false alarms during this time and I refused to push any harder than normal as I do not want to mess up the hemmie site. During the 2nd false alarm it did bleed alittle so I stopped immediately. I took another 1/4 dose of milk of magnesia and patiently waited. Third time was the charm! While it wasn't the large, relieving BM I wanted, it was a good start and most importantly it was soft. So the new stool softeners are doing their job. It's hard to describe, but my insides just felt like everything started moving again after my BM. Sorry if that's TMI!
All in all an average day. Challenging first half and a better 2nd half. Only pain I have at all, either taking a BM or not is from the hemmie site. I think I am going to buy a sitz bath tomorrow as I am using a ton of water for the 3 warm baths I have a day. Our hot water heater is getting a workout!
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Re: LIS surgery tomorrow - My story and post surgery journal

Postby kyrehe » 03 Mar 2013, 10:34

tojo78 wrote:Kyrehe.. I am glad this has helped! I did this because I wanted to help people decide if this is something they want to do by detailing my experience. It is also therapeutic for me to get this all off my chest! It sounds like you have already seen your CRS which is good. If you have any doubt about your CRS and don't mind driving 2.5 hours southwest, I can give you the name of my CRS. He is awesome!

Haha, if I decide to have the surgery, I may make that drive, honestly! Maybe pay to stay the night in the actual hospital Image I've been asking others on the board what they think about my situation. I guess my decision will have to be made kinda' soon, two severe years of this is enough. I couldn't imagine TEN. You poor dear.
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