Lube lube lube!

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Re: Lube lube lube!

Postby workingonit » 23 Jan 2012, 13:53

Please see the third crs anyways. 'Knowledge is power', as they say.
I am not in much pain really. I just feel twinges and general discomfort most of the time. It might hurt briefly during a bm and for a few minutes after, but that has improved over the last few weeks as well. I just worry a lot like everyone else here, that it will never be fixed.
There has to be a better answer for you than anxiety and sleep meds. Maybe he can give you another topical to help with the pain like pramoxine?
Have you looked up your crs docs on
I am feeling better today, just cause I am over the cold my daughter gave me. ; )
I found blowing my nose aggravated my af until I learned to hold my diaphram tight when I was blowing. What a relief!
try to walk around the block or sit outside today if you can.
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Re: Lube lube lube!

Postby Sweet Bugaboo » 23 Jan 2012, 14:24

Hi, woi -
Thank you for your support. At this point, I do plan on seeing the 3rd crs - just to see what he says about all of this. And, I still have my appt. with the 2nd crs next Tuesday.
If the pain stays like this, I will probably be on Xanax and sleeping pills.
I'm going to go look up both crs's on Thanks for the reminder about that! --- BTW, my gp says they're both good crs's. I don't know . . . we shall see.
Sweet Bugaboo
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Re: Lube lube lube!

Postby Sweet Bugaboo » 23 Jan 2012, 14:26

I just found the second crs - who has two 5-star ratings. The 3rd crs is there, but no one rated him . . .
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Re: Lube lube lube!

Postby Grateful Ed » 23 Jan 2012, 14:50

Hey Sweet Bug- yeah I meant like- more butter on your food- not like "down there"! Sorry to hear you're having a bad day. Be careful if they give you Vicodin or Norco for the pain- they constipated me like crazy & led to some nasty hemorrhoids. Also, for lube, even standard (& cheap) KY Jelly works fine. I'm finding even if my BMs are easy & painless I can still get painful spasms throughout the day- hoping to make some progress there. Some day this will just be an unpleasant memory for all of us- don't give up hope!!
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Re: Lube lube lube!

Postby Sweet Bugaboo » 23 Jan 2012, 14:55

Thanks, Ed -
I'm in such a down mood today. I have an appt. with a 3rd crs this Thursday - and another appt. with my 2nd crs in a week (he's the guy I saw last Thurs.) - who thinks that the long-term fix is fiber. Well, okay - but I need some help with this. I just cannot keep taking this pain and suffering.
I hope that both the 2nd and 3d crs's say they'll help me. If not, then I don't know . . .
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Re: Lube lube lube!

Postby PainInTheAsh » 24 Jan 2021, 08:22

Hang in there!!! I’ve been there very recently and really relate to your pain and utter frustration. It is exhausting and soul crushing! I will say that I stopped using the expensive medicated ointment that was prescribed and started using Vaseline as often and liberally as possible. It seems to have made a MASSIVE difference. Less pain. Less spasm. Much easier BM with much less hesitation/straining/resistance/pain. And no hours of spasms after.

Fingers crossed of course but the last week has been manageable.

Sweet Bugaboo wrote:woi - That made me smile (and I need it today) - Thanks! I love that you can manage to keep going. I'm having a harder time of it.
I have been in sheer agony today, what from throbbing, sore pain. Last night I couldn't sleep . . . and this a.m. I went to my gp and got some sleep meds and anti-anxiety meds. I need to give my body at least 7-8 hours of relief from this stuff!
Also, I decided to go back to my crs (second crs, whom I saw last Thursday) and tell him I cannot take this pain any longer. I will see him a week from tomorrow.
I have another appt. with a 3rd crs this Thurs. I'm still on the fence about keeping that appt., since I'm going back to the other crs next Tues. My gp has full confidence in the crs I saw last Thurs. . . at point point, I just want the pain to stop.
Hope you're doing okay.
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