Magnesium Citrate and Tenofovir effects on stool?

Wondering if mag citrate and tenofovir have effects on stool

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Magnesium Citrate and Tenofovir effects on stool?

Postby chrosy » 09 Dec 2020, 05:04

Hi Everyone,

I'm new and very glad that I found this golden forum. I've been suffering chronic anal fissure since April 2020. My fissure is on and off. I started taking magnesium citrate last August as I saw some posts that magnesium citrate will help relax the anus (mine is tight). Ever since I started taking magnesium citrate, I noticed my stool getting softer and real thin (index finger thin). Last week I started taking Tenofovir which is a antiviral medication to treat my chronic Hepatits B (got it when I was a child), and I noticed that my stool is starting to get a little bigger (around 2cm in diameter). With this.. I started tearing again.

I'm wondering if Tenofovir and magnesium citrate have bad interactions which makes stool. Thank you.
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