Magnesium oil spray

Has anyone used magnesium oil spray?

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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby hurtinend » 17 Apr 2017, 13:18

diosimin and hesperidan

look like beneficial supplements, I have taken lots of natural things, but not these 2.

Are you all ordering from Amazon? I don't like waiting a month for delivery.
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 17 Apr 2017, 14:10

Yes or you can email Dr. Rosenfeld directly...Info@DavidRosenfeldMD he may be able to tell you where to get it fast or ask his assistant.
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby NikkiB69 » 17 Apr 2017, 18:04

Thanks so much for the info!
Regarding my pains - sometimes it shoots up my butt and even down the tops of my thighs.... Hard to tell, I don't know whether I'm coming or going it's all driving me quite mad!
I've had 2 babies and quite a few surgeries including emergency ectopic but this suffering is something else!!
What's the name of the supplement you've been telling me about? Not sure where to order it. Also do you know if it's safe while I'm taking other supplements such as magnesium, zinc etc(?).....
By the way have you tried ozonated olive oil? I'm currently applying that at night.....
Where do you live? I live in the South West of England X
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 17 Apr 2017, 18:31

I know right! I had 6 including twins.. compared to this, having babies was a piece of cake. (which by the way I will probably never eat ever again). haha Do you still have the high up dull ache and muscle golf ball effect with this as well? Have your spasms lessened and is your fissure healed? Did you have botox or anything? I am in the US and I am super careful of what I will take, I only take vitamin D vitamin E multi vit with zinc and magnesium and this supplement. All natural and good for you. I can send you the doctors info if you like you can email his assist and they can probably mail you a bottle and I will also send you the link to get on amazon as well.
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 17 Apr 2017, 18:33

PS My sister in law gets something called proctagia fugax where she gets stabbing shooting pain like that but usually at night and not all of the time.
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby NikkiB69 » 18 Apr 2017, 03:02

Don't think my fissure is healed but I think it's healing, feels better than it was when I have a bm (before it was agony) and on inspection by my hubbie and GP (oh the indignity! lol) they say it looks better and looks like it's healing.... Why does it take so long?! Errgghh
My pain is mostly when sitting. Driving is the worst! and I love driving, the year before my hem surgery I drove from the South to North of Spain no problem! (That's a lonnngg way!) Now only short distant before the pain sets in! It's low down in my bottom around the anus feels like a sort of tearing pain so I assume it's the fissure(?) as soon as I stand it relieves...
The tightness/spasms doesn't seem as bad, maybe the magnesium is working(?) But I do sometimes get an ache (can't work out how high up it is) and random ache in my buttocks... The area around my bottom hole (sorry) is still sore. I think the whole area is messed up from the 2 surgeries with scar tissue etc.. and just not quite healing :(
No I haven't had Botox. It's been offered by CRS, but after having 3 surgeries in 1 year I said NO THANKS for the moment.... I really want to avoid any more anesthetic (don't do well with it..) healing, scar tissue and possible complications!
This supplement you're taking, diosimin and hesperidan, sounds like it's mainly for hemmeroids rather than fissure but are you thinking it helps with the internal inflammation and therefore promotes healing?
Yes please could you send the link? By the way anyone tried the ozonated olive oil?
Thanx x
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby NikkiB69 » 18 Apr 2017, 03:08

Also has anyone used sauna to help heal fissure? We have an infra red sauna at home.....
Has anyone had success with sauna use?
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 18 Apr 2017, 11:14

Nikki, I love to drive also... This has been one of the hardest parts.. and yes that is the feeling when fissure not fully healed. Thank GOD that has gone now, since Botox Shots healed it. Looking back I think I had internal Hems and then they were so inflamed that it caused a fissure from end of July to Dec when I had the Botox. By the follow up appt. 3 weeks later it was healed. But the pain gradually subsides, dull achy etc can linger some days.

It will heal and once it does that part will feel so much better. It is 3 months since I am healed and two months taking the supplement. Yes it helps with inflammation which really is the culprit, and anal and vein health which is needed in that area due to reduced blood flow and that is necessary for healing back there. With this there seems to be much muscle dysfunction that has to subside and internal vein clusters which the supplement should help. Do you feel a fullness after you go as if you have incomplete BM? Sometimes the nerves are hypersensitive for awhile as well. They have to simmer down. Is your fissure external or internal ? I think that makes a difference with what you apply to the area. I can sit and drive but short distance and it feels like the muscles are really tight. Not sure if the magnesium really gets directly to those muscles fully. I have been using also.

CRS said you can double up in the beginning. He uses for all of his fissure and hem patients. I have used the OO but did not have positive effect for me. Did you have a pushing out feeling, like you need to go and has the magnesium oil helped that? I read about hyper baric treatment but not sauna.
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 18 Apr 2017, 23:16

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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 26 May 2017, 18:42

Helpful Info for after fissure healed from Botox: Having a dull achy tailbone area and constant tight feeling explained:

Botulinum toxin injections are also called chemical sphincterotomy, which means
that the toxin of botulin induces a relative hypotonia, which reduces the anal canal pressure while in rest. The cause of having that feeling is because the toxin binds to presynaptic nerve terminals, preventing the neurotransmitter to pass through.
So, the nerves are involved, and the nerves need a time of 4-6 months to be fully reactive.
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