Magnesium Supplements Stopped Working

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Magnesium Supplements Stopped Working

Postby terrancewifflespoon » 06 Aug 2021, 10:23

Hi all,

My last post didn't go thru...

My chronic fissure seemed to no longer be an issue once I began mag oxide 500mg. My stools became very soft. For 3-4 months I had no issues until one day it just stopped working. No idea why. I've since tried mag citrate and one other but no luck.

Anyone have experience with this? Planning on taking Miralax tonight.
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Re: Magnesium Supplements Stopped Working

Postby patience_and_healing » 06 Aug 2021, 16:09

It's possible your body got used to that amount of magnesium. Miralax is the next best thing in my opinion. It's not a great idea to have very soft BMs long term because you're probably missing out on important nutrients by speeding up digestion. Have you seen a specialist about treatment options?
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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