Pzgre wrote:Which kind of dilators did you use?
I have not been on here for a while.
However, I will still answer your question about dilators.
I bought some material called Acetal delrin from e bay. Acetal Delrin is quite a smooth material. It is also known as plastic nylon rod . The seller supplied me about 3 different diameters over a period of time, 20mm, 22, and 24. That is the largest I wanted to go to. Each piece of Delrin was about 150mm long.
When it arrives the end that will be inserted needs smoothing down on the end and rounding off. I did this using "wet & dry" type of very fine emery paper and water. This took me a total time of about 60 minutes. I would only do about 10 minutes at a time, and go back the next day and do a bit more. It is worth the effort, and works out much cheaper than conventional ones.
The seller's user name on e bay is
look-now-moreI will try to put a screen shot up.