I think everyone here understands how much of a mental toll a fissure takes. I’ve had this for nearly 3 years now, but the last 9 months have been a complete nightmare as this is the longest I’ve gone with consistent pain.
I can’t work out due to the pain, constantly stressing out over what I’m eating and don’t get me started about how tired I am of rubbing creams on the wound daily.
This forum has been of great help, but also I’ve found myself in a vicious cycle of committing to surgery because of reading positive reviews, feeling a bit better, freaking out again, and so on.
The last 2 weeks I didn’t have any blood at all and thought I was FINALLY healing. Noticed a tiny bit the other day, but wasn’t sure if it was from my period but today confirmed that it was from the fissure as my period is definitely over and there was a lot of bright red blood. I’m so depressed as I’m back to square one.
I am so afraid of surgery as I’m only 25 years old and don’t want to have complications in the future when I decide to have kids.
I’m at that point where I’m having to take benadryl every night just to sleep because I’m so sad and stressed. I’m afraid I’m going to have to go to therapy because I’m truely suffering.
I just want my life back