My Lil Friend Down At Bottom Since Years

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My Lil Friend Down At Bottom Since Years

Postby username » 18 Apr 2018, 19:23

Hi All,

Male 39 here, have Read few threads here and thought I can get some help here.
So I have had these problems since 2011 but they were always temporary. They were painful bumps or pimple like structures causing pain and not allowing me to sit for even five minutes. I researched online and it was Vicks vaporub that helped me often.
These things used to come in multiple numbers, usually 2-3 at a time. But, back in 2014 one of them decided to stick with me till date :cry: . It's a small pimple like thing right at a spot where you cannot really tell if its inside or outside.

Having lived with it for so many years, I decided to see a GP who then referred me to a specialist. He said its an Anal Fissure and asked me to take stool softeners (Ducolax I think) and gave a cream. This cream gave me headaches and nausea like feeling so I stopped using it after a week. The Doctor said that if it does not help then I'll have to go for a surgery.

Sometimes I feel that this is not a big problem because I don't feel anything. But at times it becomes a serious issue. I don't get blood in my stools but I do on the toilet paper. It's worse after drinking alcohol because I think alcohol dehydrates your body. The worst happens during hot days when I wear jeans. There's no pain but its very itchy & uncomfortable at times.

Can someone help me with this? I have heard horror stories with regards to surgeries so I don't want to have one.

Thank You in Advance :)
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Re: My Lil Friend Down At Bottom Since Years

Postby Hopefull123 » 18 Apr 2018, 19:42

Are you sure these are not hemorrhoids. Besides the nitro which gives headaches there are other types of ointments tjat don't. Your surgeon should switch you to one of them like diltiazem or nifidepen. Don't be afraid of surgery, such a simple procedure, very fast and 98% success,rate with almost nonexistent risks.
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Re: My Lil Friend Down At Bottom Since Years

Postby username » 18 Apr 2018, 19:50

The Doctor said it's anal fissure. It's like a small pimple. No pain only itchy at times.
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Re: My Lil Friend Down At Bottom Since Years

Postby Hopefull123 » 18 Apr 2018, 20:08

I think the small pimple is the skin tag and the fissure is a cut underneath. Ok, so ask him to prescribe a channel blocker ointment that won't give you headaches. I suggest to take psyllium husk fiber to ensure no straining and constipation, but keep the stool foemed. You don't want too loose stools as they are acidic and will not allow the fissure to heal. Don't eat foods tjat are constipating like bread, cheese, rice, sugary foods. Coffee, tea, alcohol, vinegary foods are acidic, so nothing avidic until it heals. Give tjis,regimen about 6 weeks. It is probably still small and not deep since it doesn't hurt or bleed much, but it could get worse if not treated.
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Re: My Lil Friend Down At Bottom Since Years

Postby username » 18 Apr 2018, 20:19

I am taking metamucil and I am sure that the pimple-like thing bleeds. Are trying to say that its not a fissure and is hemorrhoids? Is there anything available over the counter? The doctor will charge me atleast $150 for seeing him again.
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Re: My Lil Friend Down At Bottom Since Years

Postby Hopefull123 » 18 Apr 2018, 20:27

No, if the doc said that it is a fissure then it must be. But the fissure sometimes creates a skin tag tjat protects it. This is what are you seeing. The fissure itself is a cut internally and it is beneath that pimple that you call it. It may seem that the tag bleeds, but it is actually the cut beneath it. The tag may appear swollen and painful. If the doc was a surgeon or a specialist then the diagnosis must be accurate. It s just when you said pimple tjat sound like a hemorrhoid, but this can ably ne determined upon a detailed examination. Unfortunately there are no OTC muscle relaxant ointments. You can just call the office and ask him to switch your ointment prescription to calcium channel blocker instead of nitro because of side effects. That may work without an appointment. Other natural things tjat people try is coconut oil, manuka honey rubbed in the inside. I used a q tip. These did not work for me but my fissure was very wide. If you're is small and relatively new, maybe these things will work for you. Search this forum for success stories with natural remedies and you can try them.
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