My surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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My surgery

Postby Michael.l » 10 Mar 2015, 14:15

Hi everyone,

I just had my LIS yesterday, and I was I might of misunderstood how long it would take the fissure to heal. I thought the LIS would instantly remove the burning urinary sensation from the fissure. But I had my first BM today and still have the burning sensation that I need to urinate. So I am kind of lost. Does this mean my surgery did not work? Or does it take awhile for that burning feeling to go away. I really need support I have had 3 Botox surgeries and am really getting down in the dirt about this fissure.
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Re: My surgery

Postby owmybum » 11 Mar 2015, 13:43

Don't worry Michael..... It takes a little while for the fissure to heal.... Plus the incision site. Think of a cut on your finger.... It takes a couple of weeks.
Things are probably sore and swollen inside from surgery, and that may be why you are having trouble peeing.
Try and relax, rest up, take some painkillers and drink plenty of fluids to keep hydrated.

Speedy healing
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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Re: My surgery

Postby Jimmy7223 » 23 Jul 2015, 12:10


Now that it has been a few months since your surgery...How are you feeling?

What kind of urinary symptoms were you experiencing before the surgery?
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