Needing Help Please

Incomplete Bowel Movement

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Needing Help Please

Postby Grasscutter » 18 Feb 2018, 14:04

Fairly new here, and very anxious over ongoing problem. Initially I suffered with intense itching and soreness inside my anus for about 6 months. Finally, my GP examined me and thought I had some sort of fungal infection. After 2 weeks of using anti fungal cream, the itching finally stopped. However now I have a problem in that I have a good bowel movement every morning which is easy to pass. However I feel there is a small amount left, which no amount of straining will move. I then walk around for about an hour, and I am able to go again. This goes on all day. This makes my anus extremely sore. I bought a squatty potty but this has made no difference. It's so uncomfortable and sore. Anyone know what could be causing this?
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Re: Needing Help Please

Postby fahsickofthis » 19 Feb 2018, 14:37

Keep pursuing an answer. I have ALWAYS been one to go once then have to go again. You should NOT be having pain and/or itching. When I first went in for symptoms for my fissure (when I was between doctors and it was unbearable) they also prescribed fungal cream (because the area was so irritated) it took two more visits to a GP, one to a GI, and 2 visits to a surgeon before I got relief. My mistake was not going in at first symptoms an not seeing the same GP after the first time. I hope you get relief.
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Re: Needing Help Please

Postby Grasscutter » 19 Feb 2018, 14:50

Thank you Fahsickofthis. I feel my dr does not take my pain that seriously. Do my symptoms sound like a fissure? If I go just once, then everything is fine, but I dread the feeling after lunch of having to go again as I know this will be a small amount that I will have to strain to get out. About an hour later, I will start to get the terrible soreness that feels like I have sandpaper up my bottom. I will be going back to my dr this week. What I don't understand is, that this seemed to clear up, but now it has come back!
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Re: Needing Help Please

Postby fahsickofthis » 19 Feb 2018, 15:23

I felt that way too! I have always said I could go in carrying a limb and they would say "oh, just take a couple of ibuprophen and if it's not better in a couple of weeks, come back and we'll set you up with some PT! I am by no means an expert, but, if this is not normal for you, if it is affecting your quality of life, keep pursuing it! I let mine go on for far too long, thinking it was just hemmoroids and a part of growing older. Honestly, I may still be dealing with it, but, I have frequent loose stools, and it got to the point where if I had a bowel movement at work, afterwards it was so painful it would affect the way I walked! My co-workers were asking if I had back problems! Bottom line, if it hurts to poop, it's not normal. Your doc may prescribe more fiber, or different creams. Try using wipes every time after a BM, sitz baths, A&D ointment. Just keep pursuing answers!
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