new pain under my tailbone

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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby mamafizz » 09 Dec 2016, 17:17

I am scheduled for something called an anoscope next week and botox. currently using nitro helps somewhat. But I cannot sit at all and the pain seems to be high in the rectum like a knot or a spasm that remains tight. But the pelvic floor muscles attach to the tailbone/coccyx so the nerves and muscles are over reactive and need a lot of time to calm down I assume. Are your spasms gone and the internal tightness okay now?
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby Aliaa » 10 Dec 2016, 01:41

Hey mamafizz, I am sorry u go through all this and really hope things will turn better for u. I don't feel spasms near the anus anymore now after surgery but if I sit down for straight 30 min, the tip of the tailbone hurts so much. Before the surgery, I suffered from 2 fissures (one is near the tailbone) that is why my tailbone was hurting me before the surgery. After the surgery, I suffered a lot of setbacks, the anus was hurting me and the tailbone as well. But now things have become better, BM is ok and get off lax and replace it with natural stuff. A month off surgery, I got a boil on my tailbone and crs told me it might be a beginning of a tailbone fistula. So he prescribed me antibiotics pills and oinment. The boil is gone. But it returned back after my period and I had to do the same again. Now it is back again and I am taking again antibiotics. I always refer it to the fact that my anus has not retrieved its muscles tightness yet so the leakage goes out reaching the tailbone, causing the place to be always unclean no matter how many times I clean. So here is bacteria and I get the boil. But honestly speaking I dunno if it is the right theory or it is a muscles problem. My dr prescribed me with coccydniya but I see he has nothing else to do cuz my x-Rays were fine. Dunno what to do, I am so fed up :( sorry for the long story
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby mamafizz » 10 Dec 2016, 11:32

yes I know it will get better God heals all wounds.... stay positive one day it will be completely gone.... we have to just live and enjoy the best we can. It will all be just a memory soon. Mine just feels like a tight muscle all the time. So hopefully this will relax soon...Blessings to you better days ahead:)
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby rpp » 12 Dec 2016, 12:51

Hello all,
I had the LIS surgery 6 years ago and healed fine within 3 months however I had the same tailbone pain some people mentioned on the forum. The pain lasted for about 6 months after the surgery but eventually went away.
Two weeks ago my fissure opened again after some straining. The pain from the already cut muscle is there but much bearable this time as the muscle is much weaker. Lidocaine 5% helps with that.
The tailbone pain is worse though. It is for sure related to the fissure. I am taking pain meds called Toradol (Ketoralac) which is the only pill that doesn't constipate and it's a prescribed medication. Also I am keeping the area clean and dry using baby powder.
I have a lot of experience with fissures as mine is chronic and I've had it all of my life. It's a long process to heal it but I would recommend the LIS to anyone without hesitation.
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby Aliaa » 13 Dec 2016, 09:51

Hi rpp
Thank you for your reply, I just wanted someone who had the experience of the surgery but still suffered from tailbone pain post-op. And hope you overcome this one as well. Did you figure out the reason of your tailbone pain after your surgery?! Like taking a Botox injection or because it was near the fissure?! And would you remember the exact place of the pain?! Mine is exactly the hard protruded bone of the tailbone that sometimes radiate to my buttocks. And did you do anything about it, like taking pills or injections?! I would really be grateful to your reply cuz I suffer a lot from this pain, though it is some days persistent/ nagging and some others is not. I called my GR about it and he told me that it has nothing to do with the operation since my pain is on the bone itself not beneath it. But I see a lot here have the same suffering.
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby mamafizz » 13 Dec 2016, 10:16

I read that sometimes the nerves and muscles around the area and can radiate to the tailbone area and since it has been pulling on that for long it takes time for this all settle down, but it will.. time heals all wounds!
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby rpp » 13 Dec 2016, 21:38

The pain was right underneath the bone and I am positive that it was the pain radiating from the torn muscle. My doctor said he didn't know why I had that pain. I took Toradol when it became unbearable. The pain went away as the fissure was healing.
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby Aliaa » 14 Dec 2016, 16:38

Thanks guys!! And hope time alone would help all pains. it is also important to mention Don't do physical exercises on your own!! I tried, to fix the coccyx and ends up my hurting my lower back badly. It is 2 weeks now and is paining me badly cuz I have done a move that is not supposed to be done without guidance. My dr tells me it is not a dangerous case since it doesnot reach my leg (not a nerve cause just muscles. I can walk painlessly but sitting aggravates it and laying on my back). I am not sure of this anyway since the pain is awful some days. Hope that would benefit anyone reading this.
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby Aliaa » 19 Dec 2016, 03:38

Hi mamafizz! We were just talking about tailbone pain a couple or more weeks ago. I still have this pain till very recently. But surprisingly I woke up today to find a small boil at the beginning of the crease of the buttocks. I have recurrence of boils at that place after the surgery but they go after taking the antibiotics. I was wondering if this boil was deep down causing my tailbone pain from the first place?! Did u have anything like it?!
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby mamafizz » 19 Dec 2016, 12:49

no but my daughter did maybe its a pilondiol cyst pretty common..
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