Hi all. Quick question. I went to a GI doctor on Jun 8th and he said he saw a major fissure in the posterior position. He did an anoscopy and digital exam. He prescribed me .125 percent Nitroglycerin three x a day. The nitro has helped a LOT w pain and healing even tho I have retorn twice bc of an occasional bad BM. Today I went to a nearby CRS bc the GI doctor was two hours away and I needed someone specialized and close. He only did a visual exam and palpated around the sphincter/butt and asked if the area he pressed caused pain - it didn’t hurt so much as it felt very sensitive but he said that was the fissure and he could see it. He said it didn’t look that bad and that he’d prefer I take nifedipine .2 percent with lidocaine 3x a day bc it’s stronger than the current nitro I have and with less side effects. He also said if it doesn’t improve in 8 weeks to come back and we’d look at Botox.
What questions should I follow up w him about?
Do you think nitro is better than nifedipine esp if it’s working? I’m nervous to switch?
If it’s not “that bad” why switch to a stronger prescription?
I’m just working myself up a little about whether I need to get a second opinion but would love to hear thoughts from the group and advice.