Niphedipine post LIS

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Niphedipine post LIS

Postby ouchy buns » 07 Dec 2014, 10:19

I had LIS two and a half weeks ago and I am not healing as quickly as I thought I would. I used Niphedipine ointment about a week after my surgery and it seemed to irritate the incision, so I stopped using it and switched to bacitracin.
Should I be using the Niphedipine? Will it help?
8/14 diagnosed with AF after colonoscopy
8/14 nitroglycerin- somewhat effective
10/14 niphedipine ointment- somewhat effective
11/21/14 LIS- I think it worked- time will tell
ouchy buns
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Re: Niphedipine post LIS

Postby Scientist2516 » 07 Dec 2014, 23:11

Hi Ouchy buns,
I'm sorry you are not healing quickly. It does take time - it's really hard to be patient, especially when you are in pain, but you can't hurry healing.
If the nifedipine irritates you, don't use it. Any benefit you might get from it is negated by irritation. You should ask your doctor, because it may be best to use nothing on the incision.
I hope you feel better soon, ouchy.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
Gentle heat to bottom - pain relief, muscle relaxant
Kondremul mineral oil
Time - lots of time.
Status - Healed!
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Re: Niphedipine post LIS

Postby ouchy buns » 19 Dec 2014, 22:16

I actually ended up having an infection, which explains the slow healing. Antibiotics seemed to have helped and I am almost one month post op. The pain is certainly better- I almost feel normal again.
8/14 diagnosed with AF after colonoscopy
8/14 nitroglycerin- somewhat effective
10/14 niphedipine ointment- somewhat effective
11/21/14 LIS- I think it worked- time will tell
ouchy buns
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