I had anal sex with my boyfriend about over a week ago. Everything seemed normal, I had a BM after the intercorse, but, the next morning. I woke up in agony. My anus has swollen, had a stabbing pain, and felt like I was being torn apart. I was able to have two BM's in the beginning, but now, I can't have any. The fear of pain has constipated myself. I've been taking stool softneers to losen it up, but it's not working. It's even hard to urinate. When I do try to have a BM, the sharp pain hits and nothing will pass it. Almost like my anus will not open up. I haven't been to a doctor yet, I've been researching a ton on what I can do. But I need help. Attached is the best picture I could get of my anus as of today.
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