by Ever the Optimist » 29 Dec 2013, 07:51
Hi RW,
Providing all goes well and the diagnosis is exactly what your CRS anticipated, I can honestly reassure you that fixing the fistula will be no where near as bad as your fears of the original fissure pain!
If the fistula is superficial, it can be easily remedied and treated but must be done so medically as they do not just clear up by themselves as much as we wish them to!........
Discomfort is usual with a fistula, fortunately major pain is not!! (not generally in superficial cases anyway)
Whatever you go through now, should be in no way anywhere near as painful as that horrible original fissure pain and it sounds like this has all been caught and diagnosed really quickly for you, so all being well, the treatment and your recovery should be pretty minor for you. If you've suffered the original agony of fresh fissure pain, then this should be more a walk in the park for you! I truly hope so.
Just expect a little discomfort for a little longer whilst the issue is treated and heals and in a few weeks, you should be feeling a whole lot better :)!
This is exactly what I went through and the fistula was truly the least of my worries. I now have no evidence that I ever had a fistula, sadly, unlike the fissure, where to this day, I still get reminders now & again that I had it!!!! (2 years "healed" now)..........but nothing is as bad as it ever was, so really not complaining!!
Wishing you all the very best - the sooner it's treated, the better, and you sound like you are at a great stage now in being able to deal with this all and move on.......
Wishing you huge recovery in 2014 :)
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups