Olive oil on an empty stomach

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Olive oil on an empty stomach

Postby Hopefull123 » 22 Feb 2018, 09:15

Hi all, I wanted to share my experiment with taking one tablespoon of olive oil in the morning after my cup of warm water, but at least half an hr before breakfast. Then I take one tablespoon before bed, but after at least two to three hours of my last meal. It's been two days, and for the past two mornings there was absolutely nothing on the toilet paper.
The stools feel soft and sort of oily, slippery. It looks like the oil coats them and there is no residue at all. That has never happened before. You can Google the benefits of taking olive oil on an empty stomach.
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Re: Olive oil on an empty stomach

Postby Deleted User 7033 » 09 Mar 2018, 04:28

Deleted User 7033

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