Pain in groin/front of body?

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Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby jman11 » 13 Jun 2010, 10:59

So I did a light workout yesterday, I think it was the dips that did me in. I had no pain while working out but it started about 20-30 minutes after I was done. I took a 30 minute bath right afterward but it didnt seem to help much.
My question is, I was feeling pain in the front of my body, near my bladder I guess, more on the left side. I would press on the area and it would increase the pain/pressure. I also had a few stabbing pains on the left side of my groin on the underside of my body. Has anyone with a fissure ever experienced this kind of pain? I'll notice dull aching/throbbing pain in my legs and feet sometimes that is due to my aggrevated "fissure".
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 14 Jun 2010, 12:13

Fissure pain can radiate so it's possible that some of it is fissure related. You've got nerves that run down through the groin all the way to the bottom of your feet so theoretically it's possible for you to have referred pain through your leg. I have lower back pain and one CRS I saw tells me it's fissure related. I'm not sure I'm totally convinced that it really is in my case, but technically I can see how it could happen.
Your pain in the lower left abdomen (sounds like the abdomen anyway) sounds stranger though, especially if pressing on it makes it hurt more. Anything from the colon, spleen, to kidneys could cause palpable discomfort in the lower left abdomen. If it were me I'd get it checked out for peace of mind, especially if it's still there now one day later.
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby StevePain » 14 Jun 2010, 14:17

Well i'm with NG, fissure pain does seem to radiate, I have unexplained pains in my lower back and both hips which I didn't have before my fissure started.
I'd definitely get that pain in the abdomen checked out, maybe you've pulled a muscle working out, but it's best to be safe..
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby jman11 » 15 Jun 2010, 08:27

Well I was hoping for some more people who had experienced this kind of thing. I'm beginning to think that I have nerve damage. I know diagnosing myself based on what I read online is stupid and usually causes more stress than anything but I just don't know what else it could be. A doc at the KU Med center did an exam and was clueless, said I might have a small fissure but had no idea. I don't have painful BM's though, how could it be a fissure!?!? I am worse than ever, working out was a huge mistake and I'm paying for it. I don't feel like I'm going to be getting any better so I'm just going to do all I can do to not make things worse. That means no exercise, no awkward movement, no sitting for long periods, no sex/masturbation....I'm sooo depressed. Suicidal thoughts on the reg, I'd never follow through w/ them but that I'm actually having them makes this so much worse. Boo hoo.
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby cherylk » 15 Jun 2010, 10:06

What about an A/D for you?? Do you live in Kansas????
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby jman11 » 15 Jun 2010, 10:34

A/D is Anti-depressant right? Hell I could probably use one, I just don't want to become dependent on one too early. I'm only 22. I've been really down as of late for a number of reasons, might as well share them because I've got nothing better to do.
First of all, I've got a huge crush on this girl who doesn't share the same feelings for me. I've literally never felt such an empty feeling bc of her shutting me down. I'm having an extremely hard time with this bc I haven't had a gf in over 4 years and have no close friends of the opposite sex. I'm at the point where I don't think I'll ever have one, I can't have sex and honestly no woman wants to be with someone like that. No marriage, no kids, ouch.
Second of all, these lifestyle changes are killing me. My social life is going down the tubes, I can't do what all my buddies are doing. I have to take care to make sure that I'm around my ointments and always watching what I consume. I can't exercise which was a huge part of my life, I am losing weight and becoming soft and I am having such a hard time with dealing with the fact that I'm only going to get softer.
That and the fact that I've got a constant headache in my ass that no one can diagnose. I'm worse than ever. Someone mentioned Pudendal Nerve Entrapment and the thought has been killing me, pretty much no hope if that's what I have. I know I'm young, I know I'm bitching, but I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying to find ways of coping but am failing miserably, I was always such an active, healthy, and happy person and now I am a lonesome and hopeless wreck with the thought of suicide always in the back of my mind. Sorry for the rant but that's where I'm at.
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 15 Jun 2010, 12:11

Hey dude, I'll be honest, I wouldn't worry so much about the girl "problem". A lot of perfectly healthy people have that one and such things will eventually resolve themselves one way or the other. And if they don't, that's why beer exists :) And if beer doesn't work, then that's why tequila exists :) And if tequila doesn't work, then ummm I'm not sure what comes next, but maybe that's why Amsterdam exists Image I don't say this to make light of the situation, but just want to point out that I'm not sure that particular issue can be attributed to whatever's going on with your groin, fissure, or whatever it may be. Personally I think if you can figure out the health issue, this one wouldn't bother you so much.
Now, having undiagnosed ass pain and undesirable lifestyle changes, I think you're 100% right to worry about those. I was fine all through my 20s and making big time lifestyle changes because of my fissure at 30 still stucked even though I'd already had way too many years of partying hard in my rearview.
I think I recall you saying before that no doc had ever been able to visualize your fissure, and of course you don't have pain during BMs. Forgive me if I'm forgetting something (I take Valium everyday and it's not that great for my memory :)), but why all the diet and lifestyle changes? Are the spasm-like pains the primary symptom? If so there may be ways to control that without making wholesale changes to your life. I mean if you're having spasms for reasons other than a fissure, then it's possible that all the dietary changes in the world won't make a difference. Maybe there's just some pill you can take that'll manage the symptoms until you get it all sorted out, right? I would start from scratch and throw out the assumption of a fissure if no one has ever seen one. Sometimes you get the best perspective by discounting any preconceived notions -- if you tell a doc you likely have a fissure, odds are good he'll lean toward that diagnosis whether the symptoms truly fit or not. Sometimes you've just gotta give a new doc a clean slate to work with.
I had off and on bouts of peripheral neuropathy last year and some of what you're describing does sound potentially nerve related. Nerve pain is usually of a prickly, stinging, almost electrical nature, and is often poorly localized. It can sometimes affect both sides of the body, but more frequently affects only one side if it's due to nerve entrapment. It's seldom dull or sore feeling. So that stuff going on in your groin through your leg I'd think could maybe be some kind of pinched nerve or nerve entrapment. But the lower abdominal tenderness doesn't necessarily sound like nerve pain to me.
Granted we're all just kind of guessing at this point. You're a student, I'm a computer engineer, and none of us have the tools necessary to really say much for certain. Are you open to seeing another doc to kind of get a fresh perspective on everything? Getting a diagnosis sucks because most times it's a process of ruling things out one by one: doctors are better at telling you what you don't have than what you do have, and it's only by slowly narrowing the spectrum of possibilities that they eventually figure things out. If you've been scoped a few times already and no one saw a fissure, plus you don't have the classic symptoms, then it's unlikely to be a fissure. There are other things they can test for and rule out. For instance an abdominal/pelvic CT scan or ultrasound could rule out any of organ issues. A MRI may visualize muscle damage or nerve entrapment caused by a herniated disc. There are also spasms of the internal anal muscles (not the sphincter) like levator ani syndrome or proctalgia fugax (these feel like a charlie horse in the ass) that you can take drugs and do physical therapy for. I guess what I'm saying is I'm positive that whatever it is can likely be cured or at the very least managed, but the first step is getting a diagnosis that you have some level of confidence in.
BTW I've been pretty down at some points in the past and have entertained thoughts of suicide before. I could never follow through with it because I'm scared. But I won't lie, the thoughts have floated through my mind every once in a while. I've tried SSRI antidepressants in the past and didn't like them (although lately I've considered giving them another try since it's been about a decade since I last took them). But they do work for some people and there's nothing wrong with using them. Personally (and I know this is probably a provocative thing to say) when I feel like s**t I smoke a joint or two. It chills me out and helps me cope. And it doesn't make my ass hurt like alcohol does :) I'm not advocating that everyone with problems go out and smoke pot, but what I'm saying is to find some way that works for you to cope and ride out the storm. Being stoned or being on antidepressants sure as hell beats being dead, right?
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby jman11 » 15 Jun 2010, 13:50

NG, I really appreciate the response man. I actually just "switched" docs, my GI sent me to the KUMed center in Kansas City, KS and I saw them about a week ago. The initial exam didn't show anything but she scheduled me an appointment with a urologist for July. I'm supposed to go back in and use an anal monometer (sp?) at some point this summer. I had an appointment with the Mayo Clinic up in Minnesota but I figured I'd try my luck with the closer option. I wouldn't be suprised if I end up making that trip though, I hear they're pretty good up there. I feel sooo alone and hopeless.
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 15 Jun 2010, 14:03

Right on bro, it sounds like you're on the right track already! Anal manometry sounds like the right test to do, I've never had it done myself (one of the few exams I managed to escape), but people with fissures will register higher pressure on the anal manometry test. It won't tell you for sure whether you have a fissure but it should at least give you a better idea of whether you have elevated pressure "down there" which can predispose you to fissures.
The urologist sounds like a good call too given the discomfort in the groin area and the tenderness. I just saw one myself two weeks ago for a yeast infection (yeah apparently men can get those too). The urologist should know more in case it's something like an upper urinary tract infection. Since you did mention that the tenderness is near the bladder area (this bit isn't consistent with anorectal problems like fissures at all) and there's also discomfort in the groin, it's possible it's some kind of infection that goes from the urethra to the bladder or the kidneys, I suppose. Seems unlikely though because any kind of UTI will generally make you have to pee a lot more frequently than usual. At the least you can rule it out after your visit.
It's good that you have Mayo Clinic as a backup option. Not all insurances will cover Mayo Clinic visits so you're lucky that you have the coverage.
It sounds to me like you're headed in the right direction and I'd wager by next summer you'll be knocking back some beers with your buddies again. No guarantees on the girl thing but I think Vegas has pretty good odds on the hanging out with your friends part :)
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Re: Pain in groin/front of body?

Postby cherylk » 15 Jun 2010, 14:12

Hey Jman,
First of all an A/D is an anti-depressant. I took one for about 1 1/2 years because my Mayo GI doc suggested it. At the time of his suggestion I was greatly offended by his idea, but it was some of the best medical advice I have ever been given. I took Lexapro, and I don't think I was ever on an A/D previously. My local psychiatrist tried me on some other stuff that didn't work well, and I finally settled on Lexapro. It was not a problem getting off of it. I took 1/2 dose for a week and then stopped completely with no problems. I would have 2 suggestions for you:
Go to the Mayo Clinic (I don't know where you live, but probably in KS). Secondly, think about seeing a psychiatrist and/or getting on an A/D. There is such a stigma about taking psychotropic meds, which is unfortunate. So many people here have had emotional issues due to having an AF and/or butt issues. I don't think most docs realize how a butt issue/AF can affect one's life. I was fortunate because the psychiatrist I see was/is also an internal medicine doc, so I could talk with him about all aspects of how my life was affected at the time plus get input from him about Miralax dosages, etc.
At Mayo Clinic I had the anal rectal manometry test done and was diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. And about a year ago I went through the 2-week Pelvic Floor Retraining Class at Mayos using biofeedback which also helped me a lot.
You have your whole life ahead of you, and you can get your problem diagnosed. I wouldn't be too concerned about getting soft. As for a gf, boy that's a whole other matter. Now that my older son dates, I view the entire dating scene so much differently than when I was dating myself.
In the meantime, we're here for you. We've all been through a lot, and even though some of us have been healed, we continue to stick around to give support to others because we know how these butt problems truly suck!!! Image
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