Post anal fissure surgery

Cannot sit down:( A cushion after anal fissure surgery

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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby salamon555 » 01 Oct 2016, 22:17

hi you all do you remember me ? lol , Im back to normal after horrors suffering surgeries ... Im doing great and I hope everybody the same , I just want to say thank you to all of you , I will never forget your help , Thanks a milionnnnns
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Aliaa » 02 Oct 2016, 00:09

Hey Salamon555. I am glad u r back to normality. Thank u so much for giving us motivation to go on. A lot of us get desperate here except for such posts of encouragement. May I ask how long did it take you to feel 100% normal and being able to sit down without the slightest pain?! This is my 3rd month post anal fissure surgery (2 chronic fissures). I am getting better but still cannot sit for a long time without feeling a slight needle like pain. And twice I develop a tailbone fistula ( very very small, always after my monthly menstruation). Dunno if it has any relation. Thank u so much
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby salamon555 » 19 Oct 2016, 10:38

Hi Aliaa I m a man by the way from Texas , I m sorry about you still in pain , but believe me my friend you will be normal just some times it take some times according to my experience I have been trow a lot of surgeries , I didnt remember when I start feeling better exactly but It took me months to be normal again coz It started with a fissure skin tags to fistula hemorrhoid then pilonidal I had surgeries for all of this problem ,for mor info you can read my posts , but just take it easy one at a time you will get better , also our bodies designed to heal itself by itself Thanks to almighty God and to this forum again thanks to all of you gays
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Re: Post anal fissure surgery

Postby Aliaa » 19 Oct 2016, 12:04

I cannot thank you more Salamon555 for your message. I am so sorry for all what you have been through. But I can see that you are an optimistic person, pushing people out of this suffering. I am using a foam pillow now to sit on which I take with e everywhere. It makes things a bit easier to handle. Unfortunately, I developed a lower back strain out of sitting sideways most of the time, fearing that I am retearing the fissure. I know how stupid I am but one gets to learn. Hope nothing of what you suffer returns back again. Take care of your health.
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