Post fistula surgery 1 month

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Post fistula surgery 1 month

Postby Marcussorebm » 10 Nov 2015, 04:23

Hi, been reading a few posts which have given useful information. I wanted to ask for some advice. I was mid diagnosed in January with a hemerrhoid which turned out to be an abscess which burst on its own. Following on from this I developed pain and discharge in the area. After several trips to crs he advised he would eua. Following on from this he found a fistula which was laid open early October. Following on from the abscess I always had what I thought was a skin tag but the crs advised this was part of the fistula wound it was laid open and is not post surgery 1 month. The problem I have is what I thought was a skin tag is now twice as big and so much more painful than before. I understand the area will be tender but the pain feels to be getting worse. Is it normal to have so much skin from the fistula being laid open and the pain that I am experiencing. Having read others many saying they are pain free within a few weeks. I'm due to see the surgeon again next week but even getting an appointment is such hard work I feel like not seeing any improvements. Can someone offer any advice.
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Re: Post fistula surgery 1 month

Postby Savaici » 13 Nov 2015, 08:51

Hi and :wel: . I think it is good that you're off to see the doctor next week as it should not be increasing in pain. I can't tell you about the skin after surgery as not had it done myself), but hopefully someone will come along who can very soon. In the meantime, try looking through the various success stories as that can give you an idea of how it has been for others. :huggies: .
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Re: Post fistula surgery 1 month

Postby msimon » 13 Nov 2015, 12:25

Hi there, and also welcome to the forum. So sorry to hear you have had to go through this. I also had an abscess (from my LIS) which then went on to start forming a fistula tract. Mine was operated on before it formed that second opening and so was called a 'sinus' rather than a 'fistula.' Anyway, it's kind of a distinction without a purpose because I had the same surgery, it was laid open to heal from the inside out.

I wish I could offer some more info about the extra and sore skin but the truth is that everyone reacts differently to anal surgery. It is very common to develop skin tags and they can be sore for a long time after, especially hemorrhoid surgery. I had this years ago and had that experience. I had to keep the area dry at all times with gauze and avoid too much friction or sitting on it.

I had massive swelling after my LIS and then of course swelling that increased and decreased based on how my abscess was doing. Once I had the area laid open, a lot of that extra skin was removed and I had a ditch. It was one super painful wound that took months to heal. I think these are much more painful when they are close to the opening, as mine was. It went up inside so was constantly being moved somewhat and BMs were absolute agony. Healing from this surgery is usually 3 months because it take the new skin a long time to replace the layers they take off.

Can you tell us more about your pain? Is it all the time or mostly around your BMs? Is it dull and aching/throbbing, or spastic? Does the area feel hot? Swollen?

Are you able to look at the area? If so, can you describe what it looks like (ie., red, scabby)? Is there any discharge and what does it look/smell like?

Where is the swollen part in relation to the wound you have?
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Re: Post fistula surgery 1 month

Postby Marcussorebm » 13 Nov 2015, 22:12

Thanks for the warm welcome, I can see there are a number of success stories so I am trying to remain hopeful.

The pain I am experiencing isnt a throbbing pain but more of a dull ache, which eases slightly at time. Mostly starts following a BM but I do have pain when passing also.
I dont feel any swelling just an uncomfortable pain if I touch the area and no burning either.

The wound site itself looks like a hole which I assume is where the discharge is coming from, no real smell to the discharge and I had this checked some time back and was assured there is no infection in the area but took a course of antibiotics anyway. The area isnt scabby, I can see at the wound opening it is bright red on the left hand side which is also the same side as the skin tag which connects to this.

I can feel irritation when I walk, or move on a chair etc, almost like the skin tag's movements are causing pain with the connected skin of the wound side, the same also applies if I try to clean around the tag, pain is experienced if I try to move it etc from the wound site or there abouts. The intiial fistula opening was at a 5 oclock position from the doctors view and immediately next to this is the tag, which the surgeon advised is skin from laying open the fistla. I understand this but the amount of skin there I personally feel is unacceptable and causing more harm then good. I did ask for this to be removed at the same time in surgery but this wasnt done.

To be honest I feel like I am getting no where with this surgeon, most of the time he sends a junior etc to speak with you in consulations. Even on the day of the surgery I was speaking to another doctors of the problems who advised he would relay this back but yet took no notes.
I was told I would get a 6 week follow up appointment to see how things were progressing. I havent received one yet and when queried I was told I have been given one for next February.

After explaining my frustration on this they have reluctantly given me one for this coming Friday 20th Nov, where I will be sure to cover all my concerns with the surgeon if he actually attends himself.

Hope this helps give a clearer picture of my issue.
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