Post LIS - Controlling the Urge to Move ?

Bowel Control After LIS

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Post LIS - Controlling the Urge to Move ?

Postby phtgrphr180 » 11 Oct 2014, 07:47

I've been suffering AF for years. Usually it'd come for a week and then go away for a couple of weeks. Though in the past 6-9 months, it's been much more persistent. I've got a pretty good diet and drink lots of water, enough fiber etc, but am now considering surgery (LIS). I failed NTG and nifedipine. Never tried botox but I'm not bothering with it because, in my view, I've managed to heal well enough in the past, but it just keeps coming back so why do something that is temporary and meant only to heal.

My CRS seems reasonably confident, but he seems less able to talk to me about continence. I know there may be some leakage postop for a couple of months, but generally doesn't seem to a problem long term.

My questions are:
1: What happens when you really have a strong, sudden urge to move your bowel. I'm talking about the maybe-twice-a-year event when you eat something that doesn't agree with you when you're out, and all of the sudden you need to have explosive diarrhea. I pride myself on being able to hold that in for a reasonable amount of time until I can get to a toilet. How have those of you who have had LIS found your ability to "hold it" has been once you're healed postoperatively? How does it compare to pre-surgery?

2: How about for regular BMs? I usually go regularly in the morning, but sometimes I'll have the urge later at work. Will I have time to wait to use the restroom for a regular urge, or am I going to be in trouble?

3: There's little long term data on continence. I'm in my early 30's. Will having LIS make me incontinent in my 60's? I doubt anyone will be able to answer this question reliably.

Thanks so much for any help! This is such a terrible "disease!"
Thanks to everyone who has posted -- a wealth of knowledge exists here!
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Re: Post LIS - Controlling the Urge to Move ?

Postby Jbl22424 » 13 Oct 2014, 23:48

1. I had a bout of stomach flu and had some liquid leakage when I thought it was gas. So I guess it was some what affected. But this was a month or two post LIS. Otherwise no other issues. And I definitely could not pride myself in holding in diarrhea pre surgery... That was not a talent I possessed!
2. I haven't had any trouble with this. And I'm still on miralax. But basically everything feels like it did pre-LIS.
3. Also in my early 30s. Don't feel like anything is much different after surgery so I no longer have this concern.

Hope this helps!
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
Miralax - godsend
Nitro - some improvement
LIS (May 2014) - cured for 3 months then setback
Feeling better for now
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Re: Post LIS - Controlling the Urge to Move ?

Postby agnibeat » 19 Oct 2014, 13:16

No issues controlling 6 months post LIS!

Other than emergency, doctor said not to try to hold. If you get the urge for BM, go and sit in the toilet. Do not try too hard...sorry for TMI.. If you have a BM fine if not no worries..move on with the day...

If emergency you gotta go when you gotta go...dont try to hold if u can take an exit on the freeway or something like that...
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