Post LIS Help Please!!

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Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby JulsPain » 21 Jul 2019, 19:47

Despite me eating right before surgery, I only managed to use the bathroom a tiny bit the day before surgery due to nerves.

I am now on day 3 post OP and definitely need to use the bathroom and it gets to that point where it almost comes out, but I think it’s too hard and combines with the pain + worrying I haven’t been able to use the bathroom all day. My worry is the longer I wait, the worse it will get. My usual solution was to use a glycerin suppository to help but my doctors note specifically says not to use these nor enema’s as they may result in the surgery failing.

My mom is out getting me Milk of Magnesia which I hope will help, but I’ve never used a laxative and I feel like it won’t work as the stool is already at the point where it’s ready to come out so I’m not sure how a laxative will help. HELP PLEASE. I’m so desperate and freaking out. I’ve attempted to use the bathroom at least 6 times today with no luck.
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby Tatie » 22 Jul 2019, 17:43

Hi Julspain,

Have you tried sitting on the toilet with a very warm wet face cloth over the anal area for several minutes? refresh the face cloth with new water every few minutes ( the heat relaxes the muscles) and after a short time it should pass without you having to strain. Are you already using a squatty potty or placing your feet on a small elevated stool when you are sitting on a toilet ? This helps a lot for many people !

Keep us updated !
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby JulsPain » 22 Jul 2019, 17:57

So the milk of magnesia did absolutely nothing.

I managed to reach my CRS and asked if I can take Dulcolax and recommended against it and said I would really regret it as everything is still a wound down there. She suggested a glycerin suppository if all else fails. I though Dulcolax were glycerin suppositories all along but apparently not! Good to know.

My mom went out out bought me those and after about 20 min after insertion, I managed to finally use the bathroom. It was level 8 pain, no blood but I’ve never experienced pain like that before. BM wasn’t great, I expected to go more but I’ll take what I can get. Hopped in a bath immediately after and it managed to help but it’s been almost an hour and I’m laying in bed with a terrible throbbing pain.

I read so many positive stories on here I think I truely wasn’t expecting to be in so much pain Day 4 but trying to stay positive.
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby jis76 » 25 Jul 2019, 17:50

Hi juls, any update?

Specifically In my discharge papers was to use either miralax or colace post surgery. They also suggested benefiber to supplement with miralax.

Hope your getting better...
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby JulsPain » 25 Jul 2019, 23:27

Hi Jis76!

Going to be on day 7 tomorrow and I can say I’m seeing tiny improvements every day.

Tried to go for a walk yesterday but had some discomfort - more of a pressure feeling than pain but ultimately went home.

I’m also feeling super exhausted, perhaps a result of spending the day in bed and mental exhaustion as well.

But today was better! Managed to go to three stores to run some errands and still not walking totally normal but definitely manageable. I’ve noticed I’m experiencing a bit of discomfort in my left leg as I’ve been putting more pressure on it when I walk as it helps me with the discomfort!

I’m still taking 2/3 colace a day, and 2 ibuprofens a day. Saving the strong stuff for when I go back to work. I have about a 10 min walk to the bus, 5 min walk from the bus to the office and vise versa + sitting ALL DAY so I’m going to need them as I’m still getting discomfort when sitting.

Also still taking sitz bath post BMs as I’m getting terrible stinging right after I’m done and it lasts for about 20 min or so.

But def huge improvement where on day 3-4 I was literally waking up in pain, and now I wake up and feel totally fine and the pain develops mostly after BMs. At the moment I can’t tell if I’m experiencing fissure pain, or if it’s my stitches.

Can’t really tell regarding the fissure itself as I still have wounds from the tag removal, LIS itself + the hemmorrhoid excision so at this point I have no idea where the pain is coming from.

Things do feel a bit looser down there, and I almost feel like I can’t feel anything back there if that makes sense. If I flex the muscles I can definitely feel everything, but it’s super strange. Perhaps this is just how it always felt when I was “normal” and was only conscious of how that area felt when I was dealing with the fissure.
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby jis76 » 26 Jul 2019, 04:56

Thanks for the update Juls! Glad to hear things are getting better.

5 days post OP, and I am experiencing the same stinging post bm you described. Jumping in the tub right after is a must!!!! It even said that on my procedures discharge form.

Hope you continue to improve.... keep us updated.
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby JulsPain » 26 Jul 2019, 11:04

jis76 which procedures did you have done?
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby jis76 » 26 Jul 2019, 14:07

I just had the LIS, nothing else.

I had a very painful active fissure going into this. I was burning like crazy after bm pre lis. Burning would sometimes last 6 to 8 hours. The 15 to 30 minutes of burning after the lis doesn't feel nearly as bad.
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby JulsPain » 31 Jul 2019, 12:44

Hi jis76 wow I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. That’s something I never really had to deal with when I had my fissure - it would be painful and had some burning/itching for maybe 30 min max pre-LIS.

Currently on day 12 and I can’t say I’m doing great. I’ve been experiencing severe itching these last 3 days or so. I think the majority of the swelling has gone down, but I’m starting to feel some sharp pain similar to existing fissure pain but in a different location. It used to be focused on the left side and now I’m feeling it on the left and back side as well 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock (location wise). I’m really starting to feel like the surgery didn’t work :( had a little bit of bleeding today too despite still being on stool softeners.

Have my follow up appointment tomorrow. Hoping everything is healing and it’s just the stitches that are bothering me.
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Re: Post LIS Help Please!!

Postby ap093 » 05 Aug 2019, 14:02

Hello Juls, got any update? I feel like our situations are quite similar, except I got LIS+fissurectomy.
Actually it's day 17 for me, and yesterday I've got bad spasms due to stool softeners not working properly.
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