Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby queenofpain » 27 Jan 2012, 13:18

SB, let me add that maybe you could ask your CRS for a prescription pain med that tends to not cause nausea (maybe you're not susceptible at all, though). It'll ease your mind to have a med on hand you can tolerate in case you need it. I think you'll be just fine.
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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby Sweet Bugaboo » 27 Jan 2012, 13:26

Hi, queen -
Thank you for your response. I'm wondering why my crs thinks it would be practical to remove the fissure . . .? Why don't all crs's either do both procedures or just the LIS? (rhetorical question). I talked with him about the fissurectomy yesterday, to some extent - and he seemed not worried about it, at all . . .
Gosh, darn. I guess I'm having pre-op panic. I've read some depressing stories (even on this forum) about post recovery, etc. My procedure, because of the fissurectomy, will probably be a bit longer . . . I don't know.
When I go in on Monday, I'm going to ask him again about the fissurectomy. Gads. I just don't know what to think. My AF is small . . . one crs didn't see it, the other crs said I need "time and fiber." But the crs yesterday said he didn't think it would go away on its own - and IMO, I really don't believe he's "cut happy." He was simply offering his opinion, as someone who's seen this type of thing, time and again.
I don't know.
I can get through pain (I think). I'm just worried about post-op recovery.
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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby queenofpain » 27 Jan 2012, 13:39

Hi SB,
Yeah, I don't know the reasons for or against a fissurectomy. Maybe he sees more success with it. Perhaps someone who has had a fissurectomy can reply. If the fissure is removed, you won't have to wait for it to heal.
You know what, I did even do any reading about LIS before I went in. I had read previously how successful it was, and I left it at that. Often people who post (including myself) are dealing with pain, and need hope, and practical help. A lot of the posts, therefore, are "problem cases" and can appear depressing. That's why I didn't read before I went in. On the other hand, it's good to be informed. 3/4 of the battle is a good pain med (you might not need it at all), and making sure you have a regimen you can trust to keep your stools very soft. I think surgery is better than no hope, SB.
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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby Sweet Bugaboo » 27 Jan 2012, 13:43

Thank you, queen!
HUGS! It's just that this is not my first bout with an AF, and this time it has lingered and basically left me house-bound for 3 months.
If the surgery is something that will ease things up and help me heal, then of course, I want this misery to be over. You're right about the problem cases -- my crs yesterday said to stay off the internet. (Hard to do.)
But, I'm hoping this will all go well and that I'll eventually have a quality life back. My AF is small, but it's been extremely bothersome. My crs doesn't think it will go away on its on. After all this time, and since it's not the first time I've suffered with it, I tend to agree.
Thank you for your support. I'm a bit anxious today.
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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby queenofpain » 27 Jan 2012, 13:49

I totally understand your pain, SB, and all the hopelessness that goes with it. My CRS, too, told me to stay away from the internet, but I wouldn't have learned about Miralax and M.O.M. except for this site. Maybe just get the information you need, and don't read about problems before you go in. Maybe you could do something you enjoy to get your mind off it some. I'll pray. My CRS told me before surgery that afterward I'll wonder what took me so long to do this. I think that's the consensus. He still tells me to give it time, and he's been practicing for about 40 yrs.
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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby Sweet Bugaboo » 27 Jan 2012, 13:54

Thank you, queen.
Prayer is a part of my daily life. So, thank you for including me in your prayers, and I'll keep you (and everyone else here) in my prayers, too.
Still in my robe here. I'm a bit anxious, but I think I'll go shower. Life tends to go on, no matter what we're feeling . . .
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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby NotSoToughAfterAllGuy » 30 Jan 2012, 23:01

What is M.O.M.?
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Re: Post-LIS Update - Had Surgery 8 Weeks Ago

Postby workingonit » 31 Jan 2012, 18:45

MOM is milk of magnesia
Took me a while to figure that one out too Lol!
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