Post LIS wound pain

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Post LIS wound pain

Postby Jase1 » 03 Oct 2018, 04:39

Hey everyone, I’m post lis surgery about 2months now and my fissure pain is gone but I still get wound pain on the right side from where they cut on the outside & inside. I’ve spoke to my surgeon and he thinks it’s healing nicely which is good news however the pain I get is not. He told me to return in 2 months time if I still have the pain. Meanwhile my gp has stopped my painkiller (tramadol) as they think I’m no longer in pain with the fissure and they want to put me on codien instead but you all know codien constipates you which is definitely not what I want. Has anyone else had the wound pain for awhile and did it eventually go ?
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Re: Post LIS wound pain

Postby Deleted User 7275 » 23 Oct 2018, 09:08

I am going through something very similar. Last 2 days pain at incision site, (right side). I was using lanolin for a few days and stopped thinking that’s it. Good 5 days sore 5 days that’s my route but I’m very active and have a strenuous job. 10 weeks post op. I read in here it’s 3 months minimum healing from others crs, I’m currently looking for a new crs because mine said it should be 2 weeks and doesn’t know why I still have burning and soreness, lol these guys. If it’s going to take up to a year, tell me, I can handle that. Don’t make me feel like I’m the odd one out. Good luck to you
Deleted User 7275

Re: Post LIS wound pain

Postby Jase1 » 07 Nov 2018, 07:21

Yeah that’s how I feel, I’m hoping Mine is healing but at the moment it feels like it’s not as I’m still getting pain. fingers crossed it’s a slow process and not another tear or the procedure hasn’t worked.
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Re: Post LIS wound pain

Postby Deleted User 7692 » 06 Apr 2019, 19:06

Hi Jase1. I was wondering if you could give an update and if you fully recovered. I still have pain 9 weeks post op LIS. An uncomfortable stinging cut feeling from either incision, fissure, or scar tissue. I’m wondering if I will ever feel better. Thank you :thankyou:
Deleted User 7692

Re: Post LIS wound pain

Postby Jase1 » 07 Apr 2019, 15:32

Hi meesh, wish I could say yes but unfortunately no improvement. I had my haemorrhoids banded awhile back as my surgeon thought it could be those giving me the pain since the lis didn’t work. However even that didn’t work. So now I’m waiting to be booked in for mri scan.
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Re: Post LIS wound pain

Postby Deleted User 7692 » 07 Apr 2019, 16:38

Jase, I’m sorry you’re still dealing with it. I hope your mri scan will provide more answers for you. I go to my CRS this week and will have him take a look. I hope to find out what is causing my discomfort. Feels like the incision site is irritated, by what I do not know. Maybe scar tissue from the chronic fissure I had before the LIS? Really hoping it is just needing more time to heal and that’s it. So frustrating. Terrified to have more surgery but will do anything to fix it! Good luck to you. Keep us posted.
Deleted User 7692

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