
Fistula support sub forum. Are you having, or have you had surgery for a Fistula? Or are you just looking for information? We will help where we can and are here to offer support, member-to-member. Check out our Fistula Success Stories sub-forum too!!

Return to FISTULA - Are you having surgery for a Fistula or already had it?


Postby blues » 16 Aug 2013, 19:47

went into surgery 3 weeks ago today for a LIS but came out having 5 Hems- 3 in 2 out removed. No fissure found witch shockes me. So here I am 3 weeks later still having that same burning, stabbing pain after each b/m, and having to take stronge pain meds still... I know this is a site for fissur but im wondering if anyone else has had this surgery and how long it took to heal and start a pain/drug free life again that doesn revolve around you B/M'S ???????
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Re: post-op

Postby kkmark » 17 Aug 2013, 10:50

I am so sorry ur in such pain. I didn't have lis but fistulotomy hope u will feel good. Hope our friends here can help with u with more info.
Take rest drink lots of water
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Re: post-op

Postby Ever the Optimist » 17 Aug 2013, 14:35

Hi Blues,
Sorry you have to be here! Any anal issue is a horrid thing to deal with and never comfortable.
I'm sorry to say that hemorrhoidectomies appear to be more painful than some of the other surgeries people can undergo on this site and can take a few weeks (between 2- 6weeks generally) to feel much better after. Are you using lots of ice packs at the moment and taking alternate hot & cold sitz baths for pain relief??
I woud just say drink lots & lots right now and eat plain, soft foods to keep your BMs as soft as possible to relieve the pressure when you have to go........Brown rice/ pureed apples/ plain toast & crackers etc.....and stay on top of your pain killers with as much rest as you can get.
I haven't had this procedure myself but there are people that have (you could try searching on hems/ piles/ hemorrhoidectomy - top right - to find others stories?)......
I think things will be a little uncomfortable for a while, but it won't always be like this & people do successfully recover to lead normal lives just have faith, stay positive & hang in there! Do you have a follow up too in a few weeks?.........All the very best & feel better again soon......
Chronic Fissure diagnosed December 2011
Healed by Diltiazem around Feb 2013
Anal Fistula followed burst abscess in June 2012
2 internal troublesome piles remain & suspected, but undiagnosed, ongoing Levator Ani type symptoms & flare-ups
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Re: post-op

Postby blues » 17 Aug 2013, 19:09

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