Here is a list of stuff that i did that helped me .
1) Consuming more fruits like watermelon, papaya, cucumber, grapes,ripe bananas,jamun
2) Eating more leafy greens like malabar spinach(to me it works like a magnesium supplement in terms of softening stool).
3 )Deep breathing -Helps relieves anxiety and stress and also when done at a fast rate helps with digestion.
4) Herbs like cayenne peppers, cumin and ginger when used in cooking greatly assists in digestion.
5) Drinking more water. I usually drink a 3/4 glass of water with meals and about and hour later i drink 2 glasses after.
6) Flavonoid supplements like rutin, quercitin and diosmin helps also.
7) Magnesium supplements helps with softening stool and as an added bonus helps give me a good night sleep too.

9) My go to exercise is walking. I usually go for a 5 min stroll every 2 hrs or so at work.
10) Breathing like Im giving birth when going to the wash room also helps. I know it sounds comical but it helps alot.
11) Yoga poses like Child Pose helps me relieve stress and helps also with digestion.
So there you have it. Looking forward to hear from you what works. I hope we can all help each other out.