by Newmommy28 » 09 Apr 2014, 15:09
Hi, Jbl22424,
When I was using nitro I applied it internally, although the doctor told me you don't HAVE to. Just putting it around the area on the outside should still be doing something. When I was really hurting there was no way I could apply internally. It never really got rid of the spasms for me, and it did give me a headache. I had to use like a pea-size because it was making me dizzy. Some days I thought maybe it did help but it was so hard to say...
I have heard that fissures can cause all kinds of pain, like the kind you described going down your leg. Mine actually makes my entire pelvic floor muscles spasm so it feels like there's something shoved up my vagina. There's no way I could see mine either, but the doctor is able to see when I've had her examine me. I'm not sure how deep mine is either. Do you think maybe you should see another doctor for a second opinion?
How's it going with charting your diet? Any progress? I basically gave up worrying about what I ate since there did not seem to be any correlation. The Miralax is what has helped me the most out of everything.
My spasms are far worse if I have 2 bowel movements in the morning. I'm doing the best I can to keep it down to 1 which has involved me cutting the caffeine. I can be in pain til about 5:00 or even 7:00 at night. Usually before I go to bed and after I wake up in the morning is when I feel "normal".
I know exactly how you feel. It sort of feels everything in your life gets put on hold when you have this kind of thing. Plus having a baby to take care of. It just plainly sucks.
I saw my doctor yesterday to discuss adding me on for LIS this Friday. She said she could do it, but when I told her my concerns, she really didn't have anything absolute or comforting to say. I understand these doctors don't know what the future may bring for the fissure and they probably can't guarantee anything because they don't want to get in trouble. I told her I was concerned about having the surgery and then possibly getting pregnant, what that will do to the cut sphincter muscles, and also what it will mean when I'm, say, 50 years old. Do I have a higher chance of becoming incontinent then? She couldn't really answer anything. She just said she sympathized. She said there is a 95% success rate for LIS, but that doesn't guarantee that later on (a few years or so) the fissure won't come back and you may need the procedure done over. The way I understand is that the tissue will always be very sensitive to any trauma, probably regardless of surgery or not. But still. Not really what I wanted to hear.
So I've decided to postpone the surgery. It has been about 6 months of this, but I had over 2 weeks of no pain most recently, which is the longest I've gone. I know I screwed up Saturday night when I decided to skip the Miralax and try Colace. So I'm wondering if I promise to take the miralax everyday and do everything I can to have 1 bowel movement, will this thing finally heal? The doctor said you will know when it's time for surgery (I guess it's when you feel utterly hopeless). I just don't know if I'm there yet. I'm going to give it one more shot.
I hope you are doing well and seeing some improvements!