almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

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almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby soey » 14 Jul 2014, 11:06

Had an exam about a week ago and was hoping to get botox, but during my exam, my CRS told me it was nearly healed. She told me to give it two more weeks, and it would probobly be completely healed. What i don't understand is this; it still burns after a BM, but i can live with that. During the day, i get this 'shooting' pain. The best description would be; the horrific pain i had for hours and hours after a BM when i first got the fissure, but it lasts for only a second at a time. I also have internal hemmies, but my CRS told me they would not be a problem(havent been over the past years either). some days i just feel alittle burning now and then, and some days i have those shooting pains several times.

Does anyone have any idea what this is? I would be extremely thankful if anyone knows or even takes a wild guess :dunno:
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby ckelley116 » 15 Jul 2014, 06:22

Hi Soey! From what I've read, those symptoms may continue even after the fissure is healed as the nerves regenerate. Some people said they can go on for up to 2 years. I'm experiencing much the same as you - no more evidence of a fissure during a BM (no pain or blood), but still itching, prickles, the occasional throbbing ache, and little shooting pains, not to mention swelling, general irritation and that oh-so-pleasant sensation I mentioned in my last post. Like they say, there are hundreds and hundreds of nerves in that area, so it makes sense that regeneration would feel worse than the healing of, say, a cut on your hand. Hang in there! You're in the home stretch - you're pretty much healed :D
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby soey » 15 Jul 2014, 09:10

Thank you for responding!
I've been reading here and there, and it seems like you're right. It's a good thing though! But it's messing me up mentally when i still get that terrible pain! always scared of a retear :( But i'm SO happy that the worst part is over(I hope). Can't wait til the day i can finally poop with a smile on my face instead of.. well.. being close to having a heartattack;) Even if it takes years!
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby Rachael 1984 » 15 Jul 2014, 13:08

Hi soey,
Could you be slightly re-tearing? Or it could be be the nerves settling down. I get this sensation all of the time, irritation, pains, re-tears and shooting pain. I have high pressure and can never heal fully without re-tears. I'm going for LIS to hopefully sort this out once and for all. It's great you've healed without surgery. Keep going you're nearly there!
Hem Banding sept 2012
Nitro- Effective short term
April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
Diltazem-No effect, developed Rash
July 2014-Diagnosed High Resting Pressure
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby Alyssa » 16 Jul 2014, 01:11


I am also experiencing this and have been referred to a physical therapist that specializes on the pelvic floor; it messes with my head too... I just don't comprehend how being healed = still having stinging burning pain during/ after having a bm.

I had a hemoriodectomy 5 years ago and was fully healed in 3 months...(had several hemmys removed) I did not continue to have any pain after that... this time with a healed fissure it is much different...
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
4/14 Referred to Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy=Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby Apes » 16 Jul 2014, 06:37

Soey, put me on the shooting pain list. Had Botox almost 70 days ago, feel like the fissure has healed. No pain during or after BM. I have some irritation from the sentinel tag for a while. Last night in the middle of night I get this shooting pain. Mostly on the left side of my butt and into the cheek and down to almost my testi. Continued a while this morning when I moved around or stretched. I'm going to assume it all a part of healing process, never had anything like this before. It so good to have this forum, otherwise I would have freaked out.
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby Scientist2516 » 16 Jul 2014, 07:22

See this wikipwdia article:

Here are some extracts from the text, but it's worth reading the whole thing. Also, if this is what it is, you can use the words "proctalgia fugax" as a search term. I posted a while ago that ventolin inhalers can give relief to proctalgia fugax sufferers. Good luck!

Proctalgia fugax (or levator syndrome) is a severe, episodic, rectal and sacrococcygeal pain.[1] It can be caused by cramp of the pubococcygeus or levator ani muscles.[2]

During an episode, the patient feels spasm-like, sometimes excruciating, pain in the anus, often misinterpreted as a need to defecate.

It is recurrent and there is also no known cure. However, some studies show effective use of botulinum toxin, pudendal nerve block, and calcium channel blockers. It is not known to be linked to any disease process and data on the number of people afflicted varies, but is more prevalent than usually thought.
Nifedipine/lidocaine, no help
Diltiazem, effective, but caused major rash
Nitroglycerine, effective.
Topical estrogen for final healing.
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby Apes » 16 Jul 2014, 07:46

Makes a lot of sense. When i first got the fissure, it was the levitator ani spasm that caused the fissure not to heal. Totally different from these shooting spasm's. Now 70 days after botox I get this shooting pain that only last for seconds, if i lie down and relax it goes away. I guess maybe the botox is wearing off. I was more hoping it was a further sign of healing but maybe not. Oh, the next stages of a healing fissure, it's so much fun!!!!!!
Fissure 2/13/14 from Colonoscopy
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Re: almost healed - 'shooting pain'?

Postby soey » 16 Jul 2014, 12:07

I'm 99% sure that it's not a retear, because the day BEFORE i went for the exam, i had terrible pain all day long(and days before that). And after the exam, my CRS told me i was almost healed. And she was down there for a good 20 minutes with a large.. thing in my butt.. (i was sleeping thank god), and it still didnt retear. I was nervous the day before, so i think for me; stress is a major issue. The pain comes and goes, but it seems like the pain is getting worse later in the day. I know it's healed alot compared to what the pain used to be after a BM. I would crawl from the bathroom and in to my bedroom.. couldn't walk for hours. Now i can walk around, maybe go for a short walk right after my BM(well, sitting in warm water first). I know when i quit smoking to try'n heal my fissure two months ago, i got so depressed because that was all i had left. Now i started smoking again(I know it's not good for me!) and i'm more relaxed.. And guess what? less pain(less, not totally gone). When the terrible pain comes, i keep in mind the progress i've made during the last months, and the fact that my CRS told me it was almost healed.

First of all, i have to say thank you for being such a great support in here :)
About the shooting pain, I've had them for a long time, and it still freaks me out. But if you don't have any pain/burning after a BM, you should be healed(or nearly healed). I still have a tiny bit of burning(and i'm 90% healed), so i wouldnt worry too much about it(easy to say). Oh, almost forgot.. when my CRS told me i was almost healed, i asked 'how the he** can i still feel so much pain!?' and she toold me i wasnt the only one. several times a month, people come in(2-3 months after botox injections) and say they think the botox is wearing off, because they have 'spasm-like-pain' again. They get checked out, but no fissure is to be found. So i know that there are many - many - with the same problems after they're 'healed'.

I've learned that this really is a mind game, every time I don't feel anything, i cry tears of.. well.. joy! And when the shooting pain comes, I cry tears of fear!! There's only so much pain I can take, and I feel I've had my share.
My heart really goes out to you all. I wish i could find some magic cure, but the only thing that I know helps; is to NOT overthink things, and try to stay as calm as possible - all the time. I try to stay optimistic, but still being realistic..

Proctalgia fugax is very interesting to read about. Think I might google a bit myself;)

Rachael 1984,
So glad you're finally getting LIS! Hope it works out for you after all of your suffering:( fingers crossed!
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