I'm really Scared

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I'm really Scared

Postby Kdeck125 » 28 Sep 2015, 05:44

Okay So I feel like something is sticking at my butt hole i'm not sure what it is there's not much pain it just feels like something is sticking me in there. I went to the hostiptal and they said it was Hemmorids. But thanks to my health aniety i keep thinking it's something else like a anal prolapse or something. I'm going to see my doctor about and she'll probably send me to a surgen or somthing. I'm just Scared and would like to know if any of you had this syptom? I have this feeling pretty much all the time only time i don't feel it is when i sleep and like five mintues after i wake up.
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Re: I'm really Scared

Postby Fissurefrustration » 28 Sep 2015, 10:16

Hi Kdeck125,

our bums are full of nerve endings below the dentate line and so it can play tricks on us and our pain perception. The pain is most likely Hemmis, and you may have a small fissure that they can't see. try sitz baths after every BM and maybe try some GTN cream from your GP.

Good luck, but it doesn't sound like anything to worry about.

Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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