extremely scared of fistula surgery like most

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extremely scared of fistula surgery like most

Postby iandv » 06 Feb 2016, 19:15


This is my second month after having a perianal abscess opened and drained. The healing went great until two weeks ago. I set up the followup appointment for yesterday but rewind back to two weeks ago. It closed up and built more pressure again. Then I started to bath in hotter water and it opened and drained more which I thought was great. I gained another large lump in another area in the same area. Then I started to use manuka honey in that area. Throughout the week, the new lump shrank and the original is still draining some more and drains more with the honey. Now at my followup that was yesterday, I learn that the new big lump was a hemorrhoid and the original abscess developed a fistula. He said that the fistula doesn't have a second opening and that is small but requires surgery. Has anyone gone through anything similar to what I'm going through and have a success story?


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Re: extremely scared of fistula surgery like most

Postby Savaici » 07 Feb 2016, 05:04

Hi landv, and :wel: to the Forum. My suggestion, to put your worry aside, is to read the fistula success stories which I'll give you the link to below. It it is generally a simple surgery with a fairly fast recovery time, which I hope it will be for you. most who have had the surgery on here are very soon gone you will find if you do a search :sunny:

Here is the link: fistula-success-stories-f34.html

Best of luck with the surgery and come and let us know how it goes :smilyhug:
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Re: extremely scared of fistula surgery like most

Postby iandv » 07 Feb 2016, 09:42

Thanks Savaici. The most stressful part of this is that I'm going to be closing on a house the day of the surgery. On top of that, I'm going to miss work and worry about defaulting on the loan. Not only am I worried about missing one week of work, but many weeks in the future. I bring in the majority of the income in my household. My girlfriend said she is going to pick up hours and I believe her. She has been very supportive. The other part that stresses me out is the level of activity in my job. I usually work 10 hour days and and I walk 12-15 miles a day through some non forgiving terrain. I'm hoping that they can accommodate me with light duty. I do know that I'll be back to being a training instructor in March but that job is many miles away from home and the followup appointments wont be with the original rectal surgeon.

I could keep going on and on about how stressful this is. I can't sleep at night. My immune system is going down and i now have the flu. On top of that, I'm working 40 hours this week starting today and need to get that by wed and my surgery is on the 11th.

I don't get it. I'm only 25, I eat very healthy, stay in great shape, I am very healthy, I stay in a great mood and have no enemies. Why does this have to plague me? I feel like I have no one to vent to being that this is a very embarrassing topic and I have no time to see my therapist.

I'm sorry, the rant is over.

Does anyone know if this is staph or MRSA? Any alternatives to the antibiotics? The antibiotics they prescribe me feel like death. I'd much rather deal with the pain than to go through the blockage from the pain meds. Does anyone know of anything natural for pain besides hydroconstipation? Has anyone used tumeric?

How has everyone treated their area after surgery?
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Re: extremely scared of fistula surgery like most

Postby Savaici » 07 Feb 2016, 13:35

These things happen...sorry about the platitude, but in no way is it something you have done, so as you need to have this surgery, I would try to think positive about it and how you'll feel when it's done! Most people quickly recover from a fistula surgery far easier than a fissure one...

You need to take antibiotics with an abscess, unfortunately, as there is infection there. As to what you mentioned about staph and MRSA (a nasty virulent strain of staph infection), I am sure the surgeon would have definitely mentioned this if you had it.

I know it's difficult to think positive with so much on your mind, and the flu, but it would be much better for your quick recovery from this if you can. And we are here for you to vent whenever you want.
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Re: extremely scared of fistula surgery like most

Postby iandv » 07 Feb 2016, 16:34

Savaici wrote:These things happen...sorry about the platitude, but in no way is it something you have done, so as you need to have this surgery, I would try to think positive about it and how you'll feel when it's done! Most people quickly recover from a fistula surgery far easier than a fissure one...

You need to take antibiotics with an abscess, unfortunately, as there is infection there. As to what you mentioned about staph and MRSA (a nasty virulent strain of staph infection), I am sure the surgeon would have definitely mentioned this if you had it.

I know it's difficult to think positive with so much on your mind, and the flu, but it would be much better for your quick recovery from this if you can. And we are here for you to vent whenever you want.

He mentioned that it doesn't matter if it's staph or not. That it needs to get out of there and needs to heal. I don't know if he's trying to keep me from stressing about it but I would like to know.
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