Need Re-assurance

Anal Fissure

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Need Re-assurance

Postby NinjaCupcakes » 13 Mar 2016, 16:35

Hello. I'm new to this site and need some advice and re-assurance.

Long story short, I've had an anal fissure for the last 4 years due to a horrible GP practice I was with. The tare happened during over an hours constipation one day when I was 18; I'm now 22.

I've had cream twice over the last 4 years, once from my previous GP along with awful tasting stool softener and after that, they told me it would heal on its own.

Earlier in the year, I was given cream by my new GP surgery which I used for 8 weeks as prescribed. After 1 week or so, it was bliss! Then two weeks after the course, it "came back" but worse! Now I have two anal fissures which you can see clear as day! I'm in pain and discomfort. Make no mistake, I am going to make an emergency appointment tomorrow with my GP but I need some advice.

I need to ask them to put me through for surgery. Nothing works even the home remedies. I'm content with getting surgery just to finally get this over with but of course, I'm concerned.

Can anyone tellme what their experience of surgery was like? What happened during the procedure or were you out for it? How long before you could go home etc.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information.
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Re: Need Re-assurance

Postby Savaici » 14 Mar 2016, 21:29

Welcome to the forum! Your best bet is to read the LIS Success Stories, which should give you some confidence. People tend to move on once they have healed, but some do leave behind their tales of how the surgery, healing, etc., went.

Make sure you see a Colon and Rectal Surgeon (CRS) experienced at doing the surgery.

Good luck!!
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