Surgery in 2 days!

Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy

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Surgery in 2 days!

Postby SabrinaD » 03 Apr 2016, 13:26

The last 3-4 months have felt like my health has been going down a downward spiral... I workout and eat pretty darn well! I'm a 32 year old female and have been dealing with one thing after another the last few months and can't figure out why! I think we have all felt this way at one point or another... After taking antibiotics for a pretty severe cold I had, I developed constipation issues, which in turn led to hemorrhoids and anal fissures!
Not only is this an awkward subject to talk to your friends about, it's SO painful! (As most of you already know!) after reading many of the posts in this forum, I have to say I have the utmost respect for you all who have been dealing with your issues for so long! I however, after just a few shorts months, can't take the pain any longer!
Surgery is set for this coming Tuesday. I'm having a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy, as well as a skin tag and small mole removed. I keep going from terrified to excited! I want to get through this and move on! I am completing a full time teaching internship so this has really came at a bad time... My doctor says he thinks a lot of my issues pertain to stress.. He is probably right! I'm learning to put yourself first every once in a while! Especially when it comes to your health!
I will update everyone after surgery! Best of luck to all! Take care of yourselves!
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Re: Surgery in 2 days!

Postby chachacha » 03 Apr 2016, 16:33

Congrats on making the decision and good luck with your surgery.

I hope that you have a very quick and easy recovery.

Keep us posted on how it goes, because we'll be here to cheer you on as you go.

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Re: Surgery in 2 days!

Postby SabrinaD » 03 Apr 2016, 21:21

Thanks so much! This forum has really helped me. I love that everyone has shared their experiences. It's really nice to be able to talk to others who have went through what I'm going through! Thanks for the support!
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Day 1 after surgery!

Postby SabrinaD » 06 Apr 2016, 12:32

I had my sphincterotomy, sigmoidoscopy, and skin tag removal yesterday. The procedure went well. Once they woke me up, the anesthesia seemed to wear off very fast! I felt very alert and awake which was nice. There wasn't much pain last night. That was probably because my bottom was very numb. So far today I'm feeling alright, just very uncomfortable down there. My Dr. put me on hydrocodone-acetametaphin which has been helping with the pain. I've been sort of groggy and sleepy today. I will give another update in a couple days!
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Re: Surgery in 2 days!

Postby Severelydepressed » 06 Apr 2016, 15:01

Congrats Sabrina on getting through your surgery! I also had LIS/skin tag removal 7 days ago. I've never had a sigmoidoscopy but had a colonoscopy a week before my surgery to rule out anything else. Like you, I was also prescribed hydrocodone-acetametaphin. I only needed it the first 3 days after surgery and then stopped because I didn't feel like I needed it and it was also making me way too sleepy and nauseous. Did your doctor prescribe you anything else? Like an anti-inflammatory medicine or anything?

Anyway, I'm still in that early phase of recovery so I'm in the same boat as you, but I just wanted to say good luck and I hope that you heal quickly. :)
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Re: Surgery in 2 days!

Postby SabrinaD » 06 Apr 2016, 17:21

Thank you for the support! Sounds like we are dealing with very similar situations! I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel better and off the pain meds! No, my doctor didn't give me anything for inflammation. Did yours? Not to be gross, but I'm terrified for my first bowel! Are you taking fiber or a laxative? Thanks for the reply!
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Re: Surgery in 2 days!

Postby Severelydepressed » 06 Apr 2016, 18:12

Yes, my doctor prescribed me Keterolac in addition to the hydrocodone-acetaminophen. Keterolac also helps with pain but also reduces inflammation because after the surgery, things down there can feel a little swollen. But I think you're fine with just the hydrocodone if that's what the doctor prescribed! I stopped using it after day 3 because I didn't feel like I needed it anymore. I had/still have slight discomfort but not enough to take medicine.

And...don't be terrified of your first BM! I was so scared and so anxious over it but when I went, it was painless. I also had a skin tag removed and it was still virtually painless. Just mild discomfort afterwards about 1-2 on a scale of 10. So I rinsed off with a shower head and then took a 20 minute warm bath.

My BM came two days after surgery. I typically go once a day everyday in the morning so this had me worried when it didn't come till two days after. But when it came, it was fine. The hydrocodone can constipate you though, so make sure for the first couple of days to take stool softeners and drink plenty of water. My doctor told me to take 3 colaces and I did just that with half a dose of Miralax.

It's seven days post op for me and I'm only taking one colace and half a dose of miralax now. And off all painkillers.

Good luck!! And hope you continue to heal well!
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Re: Surgery in 2 days!

Postby chachacha » 06 Apr 2016, 22:30

Sounds like the surgery went well for you, Sabrina. I think that everyone is afraid of that first movement, but most have no trouble with it at all. Mine actually felt like it just slid out almost unbidden and didn't hurt at all.

I hope that things continue to go well for you and that you can keep us updated on your progress.
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Re: Progress!

Postby SabrinaD » 08 Apr 2016, 23:23

Today marks the third day since my surgery! I'm definitely still pretty sore down there.. But it's bearable! Internally, I only feel discomfort when I sneeze, cough, or bend over. Externally, it's hurts to sit straight up. I think that area is sore due to the mole and skin tag removal. As many said, my first BM was nothing to be all worked up about! Thanks goodness! On a pain scale I'd say a 1 or 2 out of 10. Before my surgery it was always a 9 or 10 on the pain scale! So the surgery must have worked! The pain meds (hydro-codone/acetametaphin) definitely help with pain management, but make me very sleepy. More updates to come. Take care of yourselves!
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Re: Surgery in 2 days!

Postby chachacha » 09 Apr 2016, 08:40

You seem to be having a fabulous recovery. Keep up the great work!

Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
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