Pain relief

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Re: Pain relief

Postby Mypoorbutt » 13 Nov 2016, 17:15

Yes it's legal in most places as it's from the stems not the bud kind of like hemp flower is legal.
I have taken it but it's £54 for a bottle that last 7 days if I take it as I'm meant to and unfortunately I do not have that amount of money
Are you in the UK if so check out the 'love CBD' website they are great and will take a full medical history either online or over the phone they even posted mine out next day delivery for free as it was Xmas and I had forgot to order it.
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Re: Pain relief

Postby Alfaman147 » 13 Nov 2016, 17:17

I wonder if you can take it with sertraline???
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Re: Pain relief

Postby Mypoorbutt » 13 Nov 2016, 17:22

Oh good point...I have no idea I guess that's why they ask you to contact them if your taking other could always ask them
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Re: Pain relief

Postby Alfaman147 » 13 Nov 2016, 18:05

I may ask about methocarbamol.
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Re: Pain relief

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 14 Nov 2016, 14:27

amytriptilline can give constipation, as in my case. I take Diazepam, low dose which really helps as my pain is def muscular and not nerve related.
Deleted User 4175

Re: Pain relief

Postby Alfaman147 » 14 Nov 2016, 14:33

I had a small fissure a long time ago but that healed. But the doctors say it's the stress side that makes me tense. I went back to see them today to ask about pain relief. He said because the problem is stress related he doesn't want to keep throwing drugs at me. Instead he has given me some diltiazem cream and told me to see a pelvic floor physical therapist. It's so bizarre because when I'm happy or relaxed or drunk I have no problems at all. I guess that's because the muscles in the anus respond to stress. But I have a habit on googling my problems and obsessing over it. Copycats how does your pain feel. Mine is like a pressure and ache in my ass. I can feel like I'm clenched in there.
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Re: Pain relief

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 14 Nov 2016, 15:31

I have different types of pain actually owing to 3 ops in rectum. Fissures and thrombosed vein so a lot of scar tissue. Also pain cycle has produced tightness in muscles in and surrounding rectum. My dr is realistic and has seen me without muscle relaxant where by my life is vastly restricted and with muscle relaxants. I also have high resting pressure in rectum so it helps with that too. I have had Botox into internal sphincter which helped but don't want to keep having that. Certainly my muscle pain makes me feel as though there is something solid pressing against the wall of my rectum. This subsides with diazepam. Hope this helps. Of course none of us have the same reaction to treatment and not always the same combination of issues. There is a lot to be said for self management and finding what works and helps you. Hope you find relief soon.
Deleted User 4175

Re: Pain relief

Postby Jonat » 15 Mar 2017, 16:02

I have had good results with nitroglycerin cream and with CBD oil. The nitro cream was expensive ($550 out of my pocket), it causes headaches (mild compared to the spasms and rectal pain that it eases) and is only supposed to be taken every 12 hours (BMs can restart the pain so there are times when nitro alone is not enough).

The CBD oil I apply directly to the affected area, as well as the tailbone area. I use an oil that contains 2.5 mg per drop in a base of MCT oils (the lighter fraction from coconut oil). CBD seems to help people with spasms in MS and Parkinsons disease, and with epilepsy - it dampens overactive nerves and muscles.

i have also experimented with a homemade arginine cream - the amino acid dissolved in KY jelly. Some benefits, but not as effective as nitroglycerin. It also leads to a fishy smell ... probably harmless, but weird.
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