LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

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LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Ral1020 » 09 Dec 2016, 12:05

My story in brief: About four (4) years ago, during a terrible bout of constipation, I developed a nasty anal fissure in the posterior (toward my spine) location. There was blood in the toilet as well as searing pain. I eventually saw a CRS and with diet change, sitz baths etc., was able to heal in In around 4 – 5 months. Was a very rough time. Lots of pain and unable to sit.
Through the last 4 years, I had a few minor flare ups. But nothing serious.
In June of this year, the fissure reoccurred with a vengeance. Tried all conservative methods without success. On Nov 07, 2016 had LIS surgery. Note: My CRS has 30 years of experience and is supposed to be one of the best in my state etc. Surgery went fine. No complications.
During the third week, the fissure pain started to improve for about 4 days, then the pain returned (Have been keeping bowel movements soft and watching my diet) I’m now at week 5. Have had terrible pain from the fissure this week. Saw my CRS yesterday. He did an exam. Said I’m “looser” and said the fissure site looks healed. He stated that I should not be in this much pain still.

Does anyone have any thoughts re this ? Or similar experience ? I’m getting depressed and desperate, so any advice would be welcomed.

Thank you,
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby sandrasmiles7 » 14 Dec 2016, 00:53

I had surgery about 5 weeks ago also. Things were better and now in the last week or so there is more blood than before and it seems that the LIS wound area might not be healing. I'm going in to my CRS on the 21st and will be able to find out what the deal is. I'm not having pain but super fearful of a BM and nothing is coming out as easy as the first few days after the sugery.
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Ral1020 » 14 Dec 2016, 11:14

Sandra, so sorry you're having difficulty at the LIS site. I was told to take at least 3 hot sitz baths (as hot as I could do comfortably) per day. My incision site is not bothering me at this point, but my fissure is still stinging and sore. How does your fissure feel ? Hopefully that has improved for you.
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Dec 2016, 11:41

Hi guys, seems there was a lot of LIS ops 5 weeks ago as that's when I had mine done,
The first 3 weeks were hellish mainly due to my BMs at 3 weeks after the op I was still having spasms at level 10 pain literally rolling in agony. I was convinced my surgery had not worked but I saw my CRS on Monday and I'm 30% healed which is the best I've got so far. The pain is now okk as long as I only have 1 BM a day.
Sandra I would agree with maybe having a few more sitz baths to help heal the LIS site, Ral my fissure is still stinging me after a BM and my CRS said that's usual for some people especially if their fissure was large or in the posterior position as due to our body's design residue is more likely to "get into" a posterior fissure....well that great coz my fissure is both of those lol
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Ral1020 » 14 Dec 2016, 15:35

MPB, thanks for the helpful info/comment. As I'm sure you (and many on this site) can relate: This thing has been so frustrating and depressing. Mine stings some during BM, but gives me the most trouble late in the day into the evening. I am a IT person and have to drive quite a bit. So it seems after moving around and driving (I do have a nice "donut" which has slots in front and back that helps) I'm the most uncomfortable.
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 14 Dec 2016, 15:44

Hi Ral,
My CRS said that one of the worst things for a fissure is a donut cushion as it can force the cheeks apart and focuses your body weight directly onto that area, but I guess if it helping you that's just general advice and everyone's fissure is different. I have had lots of medical issues and I can honestly say that none of them have been as painful, distressing and downright frustrating as this affects every part of our lives. I'm lucky as I only get pain after a BM only it can last for hours and if I have to sit upright for too long.
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Ral1020 » 14 Dec 2016, 18:16

You know, MPB, the donut may indeed be causing more problems as the day goes on (it seems to be more comfortable initially) I may need to try something different
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby sandrasmiles7 » 14 Dec 2016, 21:24

I can't really feel the fissure anymore.
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Ral1020 » 28 Dec 2016, 17:00

Well, almost 8 weeks since surgery and my fissure pain is as bad as ever (started last June). My life consists of some work (as much as I can tolerate) then laying on the couch the rest of the day. I'm getting very depressed. Losing hope.
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Re: LIS five weeks ago..Still in pain..Please Help

Postby Mypoorbutt » 28 Dec 2016, 18:34

Hi Ral,
So sorry to hear your still no better...have you been for another check up to see what is happening as if you aren't healing at all there are other options you have...maybe Botox a second LIS or flap surgery whichever your consultant thinks is best for you. You shouldn't have to stay in that amount of pain it's not fair
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