I've booked up to see my CRS next Monday for a 30 minute consultation to find out exactly what is going on. I got the new fissure in early December and it isn't really clearing up. I had a rather weird bowel motion this morning. Everything shot out of me like bullets from a gun, but it wasn't diarrhoea. Fully formed but a bit explosive. I think I may have nicked the rectal wall right at the opening, to add to my existing fissure issues - oh happy day

What I'd like to know is when I see her, I believe she can transfer me to NHS as I won't be able to afford the private treatment unfortunately. She also does NHS work and ideally I'd like to see her again through this and possibly have her operate on me. I was told by one of the GPs, that you can't specify which consultant you see or have operate on you. If true, this is a bit of blow, as she knows my history and has dealt with me for a couple of years. I also trust her. I'm worried I'd get some junior doctor with only a few months experience or a really careless surgeon. Anyone know the truth as far as what I can and can't expect to happen when I'm transferred?
As far as UK private care goes, does anyone know if it's possible to pay off a bill gradually or is it all upfront. If it's the latter, than it's unlikely I can finance it.
Incidentally, my chosen option would probably be LIS at this stage, having endured 20-odd years of rectal issues without any form of surgery (except an unrelated hernia op). I've also looked into having a colostomy, but I was told by my GP, that it's very unlikely to happen unless I had Crohns or another more serious bowel/anal/rectal issue. I just want some sort of solution and feel it needs to happen this year for the sake my and my family's sanity and happiness!