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Newly diagnosed after 4 months of pain.

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Hello I am new to the forum, not sure how this all works.

Postby Buttercup » 19 Apr 2017, 08:00

Hello all not sure how this all works. I have been newly diagnosed with AF and looking for support as I don't know anyone with same issues. I have a 1 year old and have always suffered with tummy problems. :Rock: I had awful pain to the point I just had to rest all day in December and took me 4m to get a hospital appointment in April. I was diagnosed with AF and a week later had a camara investigation. Iv still not got a prescription to treat this and my appointment was 2 weeks ago. My doctor says he can't prescribe without notes through from the hospital. I feel like my life is on hold as id like another baby and it makes going to work very difficult (my job is very physical) sorry for long post thank you for reading. Wondering if anyone has naturally given birth after an AF. I had a beautiful natural birth and I'm so upset if I can't have this again and thinking pregnacy will be such a strain with this pain and my job. Hope to talk to more of you. Thank you again for reading Jay. X
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Re: Hello I am new to the forum, not sure how this all works

Postby Mypoorbutt » 19 Apr 2017, 08:15

Hi, jay
It is an awful pain worse than childbirth. Your GP should be able to prescribe diliatzem or GTN as long as your CRS or his secretary gives them a call or faxes through your notes. My GP wanted to stop giving me GTN as it had gone over the 8 weeks do I phoned the hospital and they gave them a call back. Don't let this drag on the sooner you get this treated the better it is.
I personally haven't had children after a fissure but I see no reason why once it is healed that you shouldn't be able to have a natural normal pregnancy and birth. I can't imagine carrying a baby with an active fissure but I'm sure people do.
I'm sure your doing lots of sitz baths and are no longer wiping with TP. You could try adding coconut oil to the sitz baths.
Good luck and I hope you get some cream soon as they really do help
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Re: Hello I am new to the forum, not sure how this all works

Postby Buttercup » 19 Apr 2017, 08:27

Thank you for your reply. Really appreciate your time. I don't know much of the talk on here or abbreviations. I was in and out with consultant, just left with the news I had an AF. I feel a bit failed. I was given no advise of help just told about the cream my doctors would prescribe. (But they won't until notes are through. What type of baths help? I read somthing about hot baths relaxing the muscles allowing them to heal.
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Re: Hello I am new to the forum, not sure how this all works

Postby Mypoorbutt » 19 Apr 2017, 10:23

That's really bad I know my first two CRS weren't great but they at least gave me the cream there and then, it's awful making you wait.
Sitz baths are basically something you can get to put over the toilet but I just fill the bath as hot as I can and it really does help with the spasms, and increases blood flow to the area which promotes healing. you could also ask your GP about gabapentin it's the only thing that stopped the agony of full on spasms no other painkillers came close.
I and lots of others use coconut oil to keep the area moisturised I also found comfrey and medi honey helps too. But the best thing are the creams from your docs, I would phone them back if I were you.
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Re: Hello I am new to the forum, not sure how this all works

Postby Buttercup » 19 Apr 2017, 10:47

Thank you so much for all the advise! I really appreciate it. I'll defiantly get some sitz bath and coconut oil to help. Your advice and the research iv done is all I have so thank you! Iv called the hospital back to and left a message with the medical secretary who is on holiday which may explain why my notes are taking so long to come through. I'll keep phoning every day until I get an answer. I hope you are well and your not currently suffering to badly.
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Re: Hello I am new to the forum, not sure how this all works

Postby Mypoorbutt » 19 Apr 2017, 11:20

Your very welcome
To be honest most CRS and GP's can be very dismissive of a fissure but I know it's way worse than my IBS and crohns.
I'm doing well thanx as long as I manage to just go once a day which can be challenging lol
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