LIS 2 Weeks Ago

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LIS 2 Weeks Ago

Postby AJStyles » 24 Apr 2017, 08:56

I am 18 Years old male.

I had lis 2 weeks ago i am feeling alright now, (this is my second lis since first didnt heal me) My stools are soft now (wasnt back in the day) and i am taking 2x sitz baths a day. My problem is, after BM, i have pain. Maybe from scala 1-10, a 5. And there is this feeling that i still have to take a shit. But like i said, my stools are soft and good. Anyone else had that problem? Will it go away when the fissure heals? And how long could it take until the fissure is 100% healed? Thanks in advance..
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Re: LIS 2 Weeks Ago

Postby AJStyles » 24 Apr 2017, 09:40

Why the F**k is nobody answering here??? God damn it this is fucking depressing. Feeling like i am the only guy in the world dealing with this stupid fissure crap. Seriously. Fucking shit ass injury!!!
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Re: LIS 2 Weeks Ago

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Apr 2017, 09:47

Hi sorry your having to suffer but I would guess that after 2 weeks your fissure isn't fully healed. Hence why you are still getting pain.
At my 5 week check up after LIS I was only 40 percent healed and at my 10 week check was only 95 percent healed but my fissure was long and deep and I also have crohns and IBS.
Most people are fully healed within a few months but complete healing can take up to a year.
I'm sure the pain will continue to decrease for you
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Re: LIS 2 Weeks Ago

Postby AJStyles » 24 Apr 2017, 09:54

Hi mypoorbutt, i am very glad you responded. Do you also have that problem with after taking a shit that it feels like you are not done yet? that doesnt always happen but sometimes it does and it also hurts. It comes from the fissure i guess? And how are you feeling now? And one more question, i am a pro wrestler, means when i am wrestling, i am getting thrown around in the ring and i also land on my ass. (doesn't hurt though) Now, lets say i am pretty much healed in 2-3 Months, no pain at all etc, can i wrestle again? Or is there a chance that when i land on my ass, the fissure tears again? Cause i cant really afford taking 1 year break from wrestling. Thanks in advance
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Re: LIS 2 Weeks Ago

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Apr 2017, 11:06

I do very occasionally feel like I'm not done but it doesn't happen very often at all for me but I think that's because after years of crohns I know when I'm done.
I would give yourself at least 3 months and see what your CRS says. I cant imagine landing on your butt could re tear your fissure but as I'm not a doc I'm not sure...I'm sure you wouldn't need to take the whole year out 3 months is probably enough.
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