0.2 -v- 0.4 GTN & GTN headaches

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0.2 -v- 0.4 GTN & GTN headaches

Postby mercexe » 22 Mar 2018, 03:33

Hi everyone

Has anyone used 0.2% GTN successfully? My GP recommended it because Rectogesic is 0.4%, so double the strength, but apparently studies have shown there is not much difference between the success of the 0.2 and 0.4 strengths?
Also, do the headaches get better after you have been using GTN for a while and your body gets used to it? I am kind of able to nip the headaches in the bud by having ibuprofen 30 mins before inserting the GTN but I don't want to be taking ibuprofen twice a day, every day, if I can help it.
Thanks for any advice!
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Re: 0.2 -v- 0.4 GTN & GTN headaches

Postby patience_and_healing » 24 Mar 2018, 21:27

Are you in the UK? From what I've read here, nifedipine is not available there, and it doesn't cause headaches. You could ask for diltiazem which won't cause a headache either. Just be aware that many people report getting a rash from using it. It's definitely not healthy to take that much Ibuprofen everyday. Fissure healing can be a long process and ibuprofen is hard on the kidneys over time. Not to mention the other risks it comes with.

I used 0.2% nitro at first, then was prescribed 0.4% which caused too much burning. I didn't find that headaches were a problem as long as I didn't use it with an empty stomach. But I don't know if I would have gotten desensitized to them otherwise.
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