healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby dmcff » 03 Mar 2019, 10:14

Sorry to hear it. Sometimes there just isn't much one can do about the pain, and a stiff drink is as good an analgesic as anything else. I've got used to trying to get my mind off it by listening to music or watching TV - but that only works some of the time.
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby SueMac » 03 Mar 2019, 10:27

I'm sorry to hear you are still suffering hurtinend. You sound like you've really had it up to the eyeballs. I'm not an expert so I wouldn't know what to suggest next but you must go back and ask for more help. It seems crazy in our modern age of medicine any of us need suffer like this. This pain seems to have a tendency to radiate I can relate to that. I've been back to into buttock and all down one leg but I'm not in was much pain as you. I truly sympathise.
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby hurtinend » 03 Mar 2019, 14:19

my doctor has been sympathetic. I was so bad last fall I asked for opiates. He agreed but I had to follow a strict dosage. Problem is that while it definitely helped for a while, my body got used to it after a few months. Now I’m literally stuck, as the doctor doesn’t want to increase the dosage.

It’s unbelievable to me that all the tests I’ve had in the last year show nothing wrong (ct scan, ultrasound, mri, colonoscopy)

The nerve blocks haven’t helped I am at a loss as to what to do. I’m disabled from the pain, can’t work, wth.

I thank all of you for your suggestions
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby SueMac » 04 Mar 2019, 12:08

The body and mind and how pain works in our bodies seems to be such a crazy thing. I have back pain as well but an mri found nothing of significance. My fissure is healed yet I still have sometimes severe pain that is miserable. It's very hard to get your head round. I'm glad you have a nice doctor but nice as they are is it worth a second or third opinion? You may have already tried.
Do you have any family of friends as a support network? It's so hard to discuss though. I thought about telling one friend then just felt embarrassed and couldnt. my Work think I have tummy troubled ibs issues.
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby hurtinend » 04 Mar 2019, 19:04

My immediate family is well aware of my issue. I hid it for a few years but spilled the beans a few years ago, they are cool but don't understand, they are all in perfect health.

I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago. I hate to say it but my pain has increased since the procedure. I mean to levels I've never felt before. Morphine doesn't touch my pain.
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby patience_and_healing » 04 Mar 2019, 20:16

Is there any chance you could travel to California for this treatment? https://pelvicpainhelp.com/about-us/ It's possible that they offer financial help as well (just a suggestion). I'm really sorry that the colonoscopy increased your pain. I hope it'll calm down in a short time.
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby hurtinend » 04 Mar 2019, 21:38

It’s possible that I could travel

Based on my last 5 years of treatment, I feel my best chance is to curl up into a ball

What are they offering that is worth the cost?

Why must those of us who suffer so, have to whip out the credit card?

I’m at the point where I feel my only chance is to heal myself by doing nothing
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby patience_and_healing » 05 Mar 2019, 13:47

Money makes the world go round. That's the only explanation I have. On further research it seems to be more of an overpriced meditation retreat with some pelvic lectures thrown in. Probably not the best use of anyone's money.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby SueMac » 05 Mar 2019, 15:05

I think maybe you are right hurtinend maybe giving your body a break from interference would be better course of action. What about alternative therapies for example acupuncture, massage, reflexology anything like that's not to cure you but to calm down those agitated nerves and attempt to relax you. I know that sounds crazy but it sounds like you have been through a lot and something like this could help of at least not harm.
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Re: healed fissure/now chronic nerve pain

Postby hurtinend » 05 Mar 2019, 18:58

I am sorry I didn't mean to lash out I'm just so beyond the end of my rope.

Regarding the Wise Protocol I think I could find a pelvic physio in Vancouver that could help me with the basics, it's a start....

I've already done acupuncture, naturopath, Chinese medicine.

I thank you all you are very nice folks here
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