AF: 2.5 months post FISSURECTOMY and LIS. Confused!!!

Went to 3 CR Surgeons as follow up a got 3 different Recommendations

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AF: 2.5 months post FISSURECTOMY and LIS. Confused!!!

Postby msys » 05 Apr 2016, 08:15

Hello everybody,

I have only been watching this forum since many many months but got the guts to actually register and share my story only now.

I'm 24 years of age, male in excellent physical condition. I do plenty of sports and eat as healthy as one can eat. In the summer of 2015 I decided to try out the vegeratian lifestyle but I quickly realised that I was loosing lots of weight and my body was becoming very weak. By August 2015 I started noticing blood on my toilet paper and freaked out (I did not know at that time what it was and rushed to Emergency). They "predicted" that I had hemmoroids and recommended some sleep and water. Little did I know that this rollercoaster journey would start then. After about 2 weeks the blood in stool was accompanied by a great amount of pain during BM and 3-5 hours after. Then I visited an old Proctologist who looked inside me and dignosed a deep AF. He recommended that I go for surgery and he predicted that there was nothing to be done. I was however determined to heal naturally and for the course of September 2015-December 2015 I tried everything possible: from home remedies to creams.......without relief...accepted my defeat and booked surgery.

I had my surgery on January 18th 2016 in a German hospital which was recommended by 2 different doctors. My procedure was Fissurectomy and LIS (open method). The procedure itself was more less painless. I did not experience major, lifechaging pain that some of you had. I was very positive about my decision and was looking forward to 4-6 weeks after effect. My aftercare:

- I have an extremely healthy diet & 5+ liters of water daily
- I have 1-2 BMs a day
- Panthenol Cream for promoting healing
- Magnesium pills

Below a timeline of my development since then:

1 week - I felt some pain during BM, mid level pain after BM, blood on TP

4 week - there was little improvement and I still had blood on TP. At that point I got concerned and visited my CRS. He took a look inside me a assured me that everything goes according to plan mentioning that it is 90% healed. I was relieved ad for the next weeks I made sure that my stool was soft enough and the AF area was kept clean

10 week - There is LITTLE TO NO improvement and I still have blood on my stool. I visited my CRS and he was very confused about my condition. He examined my fissure and indeed realised that my wound is not healed. He blames it on the tight muscle (which LIS was supposed to sort out) His recommendation was to take a course of Vitamins + Rectogesic cream. If this wont help me in the next 4-6 weeks he suggesed perform on me ANAL DILATION SURGERY. I was devastated :oops: .

Meanwhile, I decided to invest time into visiting other specialists and get their opinion:

- One Specialist said that my would site is indeed not healed, however it is clean and he suggests to wait longer. He suggested that I dont apply any cream and let the area dry out a bit.

- A another specialist (supposedly best in town) said that my AF is not healed, that it is a case of slow healing but it will heal in the end. He also said that my muscle tone is NORMAL. He then ordered me to stop using rectogesic (saying that it is expesive bullshit and it does not work) and told be to take LEVORAG CREAM & Vitamins

TODAY - I am confused, not to mention the mental devastation that I have for falling in that 2-5% bucket of patients that did not heal after surgery. I must admit that I do not have the same level of pain during or after BM. I have nearly no pain during BM and several hours after my bottom feels irritated, raw and always on my mind. I find blood on my TP nearly every single time and that is not normal. Today I apply rectogesic twice daily after a warm sitz bath and take my stool softner. My stool isnt at all hard, maybe a little large but I dont think that it is a problem. But what is? still a mystery to me.

So here I am with 3 doctors telling me 3 different opinions and I dont know what the hell to even choose. What do you think? any of you had something similar? Since half a year I feel that my life is on hold, I lost appetite to advancing my career, I broke relatioships with many friends, I became anti-social...I blame it partly on this condition. I cannot wait to live a day when I wont even for a second think about my precious bum. :(

I thank you in advance for any information you could share.
For those who are goig through hell, you arent alone, hang on!!! :bestwishes:

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Re: AF: 2.5 months post FISSURECTOMY and LIS. Confused!!!

Postby Savaici » 12 Apr 2016, 13:47

Not sure why you are devastated at the thought of anal dilation. You might want to read some of our moderator - suzyljank - posts after her double flap surgery. Use the search on here between FAQ and Portal and search by Topic. I also did self dilation.
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Re: AF: 2.5 months post FISSURECTOMY and LIS. Confused!!!

Postby Paco » 16 Dec 2019, 04:32


Did you finaly solve the problem?

I live in Germany also and I am trying to find a good doctor in Munich, do you know any? Also not fully sure if to go for fissurectomy or LIS, any advice? I have a chronic AF since 2 years and is not healing.

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