Newbie Needing Hope

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Newbie Needing Hope

Postby Imperius » 25 Feb 2023, 10:22

Just discovered this site today. Been suffering for a week so far.

Last week, I noticed thrombosed hemorrhoids but there wasn't any pain yet. Three days later, I had passed some stool which burned and it hurt so much (Pain 7-8/10) that I never knew when I was done so I held some in but had to keep returning to the toilet hoping it would be the last time. I hurt so much I couldn't sleep and so I went to the hospital where the doctor said it was thrombosed hemorrhoids and gave me paracetamol. After the burning happened and remained every time I passed stool, I realized it had to be a fissure caused by constipation. I took a laxative and instead of hurting 24/7 it hurts while passing stool and after.

I think this was all caused by an unfortunate combination:
- I regularly lift heavy at the gym, but I have been doing this for over 6 years.
- I worked out while experiencing nasal congestion, which meant I wasn't breathing properly.
- I was taking creatine, which draws water to the muscles. We're supposed to drink more water when on creatine but I neglected this.
- I have been stressed with my studies and with life. The fact that I lost this post when I clicked "preview" and am now typing it a second time doesn't help.
- I was eating 200g chicken breast for lunch and dinner (high protein) while not having enough fibre (some from brussel sprouts and wholewheat bread and pasta, but far from enough).
- I usually have minor problems with dairy (acne and some gas) but drank a milkshake.

My hope is that I can come out of this going to the gym regularly again. I have reduced the amount of protein in my diet while trying to keep it high enough for my fitness goals, having 100g of chicken instead of 200. Today I started trying a stool softener. I'm ditching the creatine and I'm keeping a high amount of fibre in my diet. But seeing how long medical sites say it might take to heal as well as some of the experiences here, I'm getting worried I won't achieve this hoped-for new normal.

Yesterday was much better than the day before, but today has been worse. My days usually involve a painful passing of stool in the morning (Pain at 6-7/10) which remains at 5 for about a hour unless I have to go again, which resets the "pain countdown". By the afternoon, around 1400-1500, the pain fades to about a 2-3. I know I'm fortunate the pain goes away by bedtime, but this also means the pain in the morning comes at me full force. I've begun to feel like a prisoner in my own body, knowing torture is coming that I can't escape. I reckon my condition is severe enough that it's affecting my life and studies (I basically can't do anything until the afternoon) but not severe enough to be given more than painkillers. I'm quite miserable. I used to serve in the army I'd dare to say this has been worse for me than tear gas, maximum stress situations, and the classic knee and back injuries. For all I know this could stop in a couple weeks, but most sites predict 4-6 weeks and I understand this kind of thing can be chronic. I know I should have patience but I'm getting rather anxious about all this. I'm also studying abroad without many doctors nearby and am doing a lot of travelling next month. I need hope. I don't know if I could handle this for a month or more.
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Re: Newbie Needing Hope

Postby patience_and_healing » 26 Feb 2023, 12:21

It looks like you are already doing some of the right things by avoiding what may aggravate the fissure.

Some other things you can do is add a non stimulant laxative like miralax to your routine. Don't have too much insoluble fiber, it will cause bulky and painful BMs. Have more soluble fiber. Take a warm sitz bath twice daily to help with blood circulation. Avoid anything that puts pressure on the area like heavy lifting or ab workouts. Drink plenty of water.

I know you said you don't have many doctors nearby but it may be worthwhile to find a specialist and be examined. They could prescribe an ointment that could help. Stay away from steroids though, they thin out the skin which is the opposite of what you want. Make sure any doctor you see does not do a digital exam. That is not required to diagnose a fissure and will only cause pain.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
On and off in pelvic physical therapy
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